Does it hurt when you urinate

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does it hurt when you urinate”,you can compare them.

Pain while urinating often indicates an infection. It can also be caused by other conditions and should be diagnosed by a doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does it hurt when you urinate
Why does it hurt when you urinate?
Why does it hurt when I urinate.
Why does it hurt when you urinate after sex?
After straining the muscles after sex its very hard for the body to excrete so kudos thats the answer
Does it hurt to urinate if you have appendicitis??
Not normally. That may suggest that you have something else besides appendicitis such as cystitis or urinary tract infection. Why don’t you see a doctor?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does my bully-button hurt when I urinate?
Q: Today, I had a brief, but painful spasm from by belly-button to my pelvis when I stood up to go to the bathroom, and then as I urinated, my bully-button region hurt a lot. I did go the health center at my college and I tested negative for any urinary infections, but my belly-button still hurts a little when I urinate. Also, my lower back is now sore and my pelvic/lower-regions are a tad sore. Is this serious?
A: When you urinate you use muscles. You could very well have pulled some of the mucscles in that area.Watch for burning when you urinate or fever and even nausea.Also the lower back pain can be a sign of a kidney stone as can the above symptoms I have listed.If it is a kidney stone the pain will become more intense and will need to be detected by a special Xray called an IVP.But , lets just say muscle pain for now—if symptoms comtinue or worsen—please see your DR.Good Luck!
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A: maybe you have UTI (urinary tract infection) try getting cranberry supplements from the pharmacy and taking 2 of them a day for the next 2-3 days and see if it helps. if it doesnt help then i suggest going to a doctor becuase you need an antibiotic to help clear it up and also good if doctor chcks it. a UTI is basically when bacteria goes up the urethra so dont get scared. its nothing life threatening.
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A: urinary tract infection?
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