Does holding in a sneeze kill brain cells

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does holding in a sneeze kill brain cells”,you can compare them.

Holding a sneeze does not kill brain cells. That is an urban myth. A man did sneeze out his frontal lobe once for holding it in. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does holding in a sneeze kill brain cells
Does holding a sneeze kill brain cells?
Holding a sneeze does not kill brain cells. However, if you were to “hold it in” in the sense that you blocked it from coming out, then you can cause permanent brain damage if not death. Now this would be hard to actually do being…
Does it really kill brain cells when you hold in a sneeze??
yes it kills brain cells. If you look to the left too quickly it kills brain cells. If you drink orange juice it kills brain cells. If you microwave your food it kills brain cells. George Bush kills brain cells and everyone is eventually go…
Is it true that if you hold in a sneeze you lose brain cells??
No, sneezing is the cause of many things but not killing brain cells. Holding in a sneeze, or holding your nose when you sneeze can hurt your ears, though.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does holding a sneeze kill brain cells?
Q: My friend and I were talking on our way to class and he brought this up so I want an answer.
A: I don’t know if it kills brain cells but I heard you can crack a rib
If you hold in a sneeze, will it kill brain cells?
A: I think you’re getting it confused with drinking alcoholic beverages.
Do you think that if you have to sneeze and you hold it that can kill your brain cells?
A: No, but if I hold it long enough my brains could come out the other end!
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