Does healthy feces sink or float

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Does healthy feces sink or float”,you can compare them.

Increased levels of air and gas in the poop make it less dense, and cause it to float. This has nothing to do with healthiness. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does healthy feces sink or float
Should feces float or sink? what’s the indication that your diges…?
Dr. Oz says that it should NOT float. If it does, you’re getting too much fat. If it’s too soft, you’re not getting enough protein. If it’s too hard, you’re not getting enough fiber. It should be “S” shaped. That means that it sta…
When a person is healthy, should their feces float or sink in the…?
fluffy and floaty is the way to go!
Is it healthier for human feces to float or to sink to the bottom…?
That depends if you’re a methane producer; not on health. If you are, your stool floats (and you are also a congenital member of the Order of the Blue Flame, ie. Fart Lighter) If not, they sink.

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When a person is healthy, should their feces float or sink in the toilet?
Q: I’ve read coflicting health reports about this subject.
A: fluffy and floaty is the way to go!
should feces float or sink? what’s the indication that your digestive track is healthy?
Q: I’ve been changing my diet lately and i noticed that it’s affecting my bowel movement. It’s loosening up! My stomach would feel funny and gas always comes with it w/c makes me feel bloated. I wonder if my tummy is not accepting my new diet which only consist of whole wheat bread, carrots, cucumber, tomato, orange, banana and small quantities of meat and white rice. One good thing is, I could barely smell anything when I eliminate.
A: Dr. Oz says that it should NOT float. If it does, you’re getting too much fat. If it’s too soft, you’re not getting enough protein. If it’s too hard, you’re not getting enough fiber. It should be “S” shaped. That means that it stays together well, not too liquidy and not in hard little balls.Read this from Dr. Oz. It is very informative.
Is it healthier for human feces to float or to sink to the bottom of the toilet?
A: That depends if you’re a methane producer; not on health.If you are, your stool floats (and you are also a congenital member of the Order of the Blue Flame, ie. Fart Lighter)If not, they sink.
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