Does diet soda give you cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “Does diet soda give you cancer”,you can compare them.

The FDA maintains that the sweetener is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, memory loss. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does diet soda give you cancer
Can diet soda, cellphones and makeup give you cancer??
cellphones . No one should drink diet sodas sweetened with aspartame. And think twice before getting X-rayed with a CAT scan except in a bona fide life-threatening emergency. That’s just some of the precautionary advice that epidemiologist …
Does diet coke give you cancer?
if you listened to all what supposed to make you ill and give you cancer etc you wouldnt eat/drink anything.
Can Diet Coke Cause Cancer?
The content in Diet Coke which resulted in this rumor is the artificial sweeteners replacing sugar. There have been laboratory testings of rats directly injected with sugar substitutes such as saccharine, aspartame, and cyclamate. The main …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a diet soda cause cancer? My doctor says it does, especially since I’m fair skinned, everyone else say no.
Q: Ok, my friend asked this question here, and the majority of her results were no, but I talked to my doctor recently, and she said it does help produce cancer cells, and I don’t drink diet soda b/c, well, one, I’m fair skinned, and two, I don’t like the taste. I would really like to know, please help me and my friend out!
A: If it contains aspartame, yes. Check the ingredients. Aspartame also causes alot of other health problems, too.
Is it true that diet soda can give you cancer? Or any other virus?
Q: Is it true? And if so, does all diet sodas give you cancer? I’m drinking a Diet Sun Drop right now and was wondering if it does.
A: No it doesn’t.
Does diet soda really cause cancer?
Q: A lot of people say that. But I wanna stick healthy, but not get cancer!
A: no, there USED to be a cancer causing agent, only in diet coke, Sacchrin (sp?), but you would have to drink diet coke constantly through your whole life to get it, and its not in it anymore.
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