Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritus

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There are many causes for arthritis including past injuries and heredity. It is possible but unlikely. I say keep poppin’. CHACHA! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritus
Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis?
No, there is no evidence to support that, however it is possible that it can cause other hand problems in later life.
Will cracking my knuckles give me arthritis?
No. Unless you are one of those people who cracks their knuckles hundreds of times a day. If you only do it once in awhile, then it may actually be beneficial because it keeps the joints mobile.
Will cracking your knuckles give you arthritis?
There’s no evidence that cracking of the knuckles will give you arthritis, the actual cracking of the knuckles is where then tendons slip over the joints and make that sound – it is certainly unnerving, particularly if people are doing it a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I have been cracking my knuckles since i was a boy, im 29 now and my mother used to say to me that i would have arthris when i was older. Is this actually a medical fact or just another old wives tale?
A: No it doesn’t. There is a liquid in between the joints in the fingers that acts as a lubricant for the adjacent joints. There are gases that dissolve in this liquid and when you crack your knuckles you are making a bubble from these gases and when the bubble bursts it produces that “popping” sound. It takes a while for these gases to re-dissolve in the fluid which is why you can’t crack you knuckles again for a while. So far studies have shown no ties between cracking knuckles and arthritis. So go ahead and crack your knuckles all you want!
does cracking your knuckles really give u arthritus later in life?
A: NOThat’s an old wives taleIt can however lead to NON ARTHRITIC joint damage and swelling ….
does cracking your knuckles or any joint really give you arthritus?
A: It c0uld over time. It separates the bones every time you crack any part of your body. If they dont pop back, and they stay separated, thats when it causes arthritis.
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