Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis”,you can compare them.

Knuckle “cracking” has not been shown to be harmful or beneficial. More specifically, knuckle cracking does not cause arthritis. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis
Cracking your knuckles wears away the cartilage between the joints over a long period of time. This is one of the causes of arthritis. Other causes of arthritis are completely unrelated, like for example, you can inherit it from your parent…
chas, that’s not to mention that the entire practice of…chiropraxis, chiropractology, or whatever you’d call it…is based on this very thing. I’m one of those folks who can basically pop just about every joint in my body, and does, so I’…
There is no evidence that cracking one’s knuckles can cause arthritis directly. However, repeated injury of a joint or repeatedly causing it to swell can injure the cartilage and potentially lead to degenerative joint disease. Cracking your…

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Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis?
Q: I have a bad habit of cracking the knuckles in my fingers and toes. Just wondering what the adverse affects would be?
A: Cracking knuckles does not cause arthirtis. That’s an urban legend to get you to stop. The pop is a result of joint fluid transferring from one point of the joint to the other at high speeds. There have been no cases of arthritis caused by cracking your joints.If you think, that’s part of what chiropractors do is crack your bones for relief; they’d be getting sued out the wazoo if all of their patients ended up with big joints or arhritis…
Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis when you are older?
Q: My dad says no, my health teacher says yes, who should i believe??? Please help! I dont want to really get arthritis when im older!
A: The answer is no. Cracking yout knuckles does not damage the joint; it is simply popping the bubbles in the synovial fluid taht arise from using the joint. What it WILL do is require you to crack them more often…
Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis’s?
Q: Does cracking your knuckles give you arthritis’s? Please only answer is your 100% sure…
A: I have asked my doctor about this, and he stated that there is no evidence that supports it currently, but he has seen many cases where people who crack their knuckles often get swollen, irritated stiff joints that turns into arthritis later in life. I still crack mine, but I tried to not do it as often. When someone tells me it 100% does lead to arthritis, then I’ll consider stopping, but until then, no evidence—-cracking still!
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