Do you kill brain cells when you sneeze

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you kill brain cells when you sneeze”,you can compare them.

There is no evidence that you kill brain cells when you sneeze. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you kill brain cells when you sneeze
Does holding a sneeze kill brain cells?
Holding a sneeze does not kill brain cells. However, if you were to “hold it in” in the sense that you blocked it from coming out, then you can cause permanent brain damage if not death. Now this would be hard to actually do being…
Does frequent sneezing kill brain cells?
I have been interested on this question for about 5 years already. Truth is, i dug up my own researches, readings and even some surveys from people who in their everyday lives had to sneeze. Research and readings lead me to unconvincing res…
Where can i find decisive proof about sneezing killing brain cell…?
Believe ti or not, after searching 10 minutes on the internet, I came up empty on that subject, but here’s some links on interesting stuff about sneezes. Best I can tell, I think it’s a myth, thgouh.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do you kill brain cells when you sneeze?
Q: does anyone have a site where it explains this? hehe thanks!
A: NO! Infact, sneezing activates (jump starts) the immune system….. However, alcohol does kill brain cells! especially in the memory center of the brain.
Does holding a sneeze kill brain cells?
Q: My friend and I were talking on our way to class and he brought this up so I want an answer.
A: I don’t know if it kills brain cells but I heard you can crack a rib
When you block a sneeze does it kill brain cells?
A: No. Blocking a sneeze does not kill brain cells, rather it can give you a stroke. Such a block has a high chance of raising the internal pressure of capillary brain vessels and cause a tear in them. If such thing occurs most of the time you need a surgery requiring opening the skull.
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