Do you have butt cramps

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I do get cramps sometimes in my b—, but not right now. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you have butt cramps
Why would someone get butt cramps?
You could be sitting in one position for too long or check out the piris formis muscle. Not sure if I spelled it right, but the muscle runs down around that area and can be the cause for pain deep in the butt cheek. Almost feels like it’s…
Are butt cramps normal before period?
yes they are i get them theres no problem.
Why do i get these awful butt cramps?
Lots of rest and a comfy chair or pillow on your behind.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do i get these awful butt cramps?
Q: i can deal w/ the stomach cramping but butt cramps are just awful. i work out, i eat healthy but whenever im menstruating i have butt cramps. so bad i can’t even move and usually after i eat. yesterday i had to stand in the store aisle for like 5 minutes until it would reside w/ my toddler running all over the darned place ppl looking at me like im crazy. anybody know any remedies?
A: Lots of rest and a comfy chair or pillow on your behind.
Could I possibly have colon cancer since I get butt cramps a lot?
Q: As the title says, yes I get butt cramps a lot. IS THAT A SIGN OF COLON CANCER? I swear this is not a joke
A: Unlikely, unless it is accompanied by a number of other symptoms such as bleeding, weight loss, etc…More likely it is what is known as Proctalgia Fugax. This type of cramp often occurs in the middle of the night and can last a variable amount of time; generally from a few seconds to 30 minutes. Many sufferers encounter it less than 6 times a year.There is no known cause for proctalgia fugax, but it is thought to be related to a muscle spasm of the rectum. There is also no known cure.There are remedies which range from warm baths (if the pain lasts long enough to draw a bath), relaxation techniques, and gentle massage of the anus.
Are butt cramps normal before period?
Q: I have a 36 – 39 day cycle I am on day 31 and I am experiencing cramps in the butt? They are kind of like contractions but they are dull feeling I have cramps in the uterus too. What does this mean?
A: yes they are i get them theres no problem.
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