Do you feel hot or cold when you have a fever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you feel hot or cold when you have a fever”,you can compare them.

Yes, when you have a fever you can have chills or sweats. Thanks for asking ChaCha, hope you feel better soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you feel hot or cold when you have a fever
When you have a fever, do you usually feel hot or cold??
I actually had a fever yesterday! My head was scorching hot, but my body was cold despite the layers of clothing.
Can having a fever also mean cold not only hot??
It is a common response when you have an infection and develope a fever ( Hyperthermia } which is a temperature of above 38C or 99 farenheit to begin to shiver which is normal when you get cold. When you get a high fever you may also halluc…
Why do we call it a ‘cold’ when the fever from having one makes y…?
A couple of possible reasons. One is that it’s (not necessarily correctly)associated with cold weather, and getting cold, and thus it is the “cold” that you caught. This association is reinforced by the fact that you start out fee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How come when you have a fever you’re hot but you feel cold?
Q: When you have a fever you feel really cold and so you normally wear warm clothes or snuggle up in a blanket, yet when someone feels your head you’re hot. How can you feel cold inside but actually be hot?Sorry if this question doesn’t make sense…. i just basically need to understand how a fever works lol??!!Thanks 🙂
A: Try this
If I had a fever, would I feel hot or cold?
Q: I thought that if you had a fever you feel cold, and then when your fever breaks you feel hot. Am I wrong? How can I tell I have a fever without a thermometer?
A: Externally you should feel hot. But internally you should feel cold. Kinda odd isn’t it? lol.
If you had a fever would you feel cold or hot?
Q: let’s say you had a fever that was getting higher and higher,at that moment would you say that the room would feel hotter than usual or colder than usual? and would i have to get you ice or get you blankets?
A: People with fever often have chills, and want to cover up with layers upon layers of clothes and blankets. You shouldn’t do this, as it just contains the heat. A single sheet is best, and a tepid bath.
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