Do vampires get aids

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational Mythology Folklore .We found some answers as below for this question “Do vampires get aids”,you can compare them.

Vampires are undead and therefore not susceptible to viral infection even if they drink the blood of HIV infected people. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do vampires get aids
Do vampires get AIDS?
The Vampire Mythos has evolved and been redefined with every generation and, although the idea of a creature who can live forever by drinking the blood of the living is an almost world wide phenomenon, what we understand to be vampires is f…
Can vampires get aids?
The HIV/AIDS virus is a retrovirus that attacks and kills CD4+ lymphocytes (T helper cells), weakening the immune system’s ability to fight infection. Retroviruses produce the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which allows the viral RNA genome …
How come vampires don’t get AIDS?
AIDS requires a warm, living host in which to replicate itself. Mythological vampires are undead, with no bodily processes to speak of, so they (if they were real, which they’re not) could not support the AIDS retrovirus. As to modern peopl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can vampires get Aids? If they drink someones blood when the person had aids would they get aids?
Q: If a vampire drinks a person’s blood with AIDS or HIV could they possibly catch it also?
A: In theory, yes. And no.You see, a vampire COULD get AIDS this way, but they are dead already so it really wouldn’t matter (would it?). That would then bring up the question “Can vampires catch diseases even though their already dead”. If yes, then the answer to your question is yes. If no, then the answer to your question is no.But at the end of the day. Vampires don’t exist, so no, Vampires cannot get AIDS at all because there are no such things as Vampires. ^_^
What if vampires bites someone with AIDs?
Q: If a vampire bites someone who has AIDs does it effect them? Could they give it to the next person they bite?
A: This is a great question!!I would think, being the undead that AIDs wouldn’t harm the vampire, but if they were to snack on someone else, without killing them, there would be a chance of the second victim getting AIDs, like stepping on a used needle or something, you know?But if the vampire sired the second victim, they would then be undead too right? so the virus wouldn’t affect them…You can’t have a blood borne virus, if you have no blood.
Do think a vampire can get aids?
Q: ??????????????????????????????
A: yes if it sucks the wrong end.
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