Do the chicken pox give you a fever

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Yes, you can get a mild fever from getting chicken pox. It will go away once the blisters have disappeared. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do the chicken pox give you a fever
Do all kids get a fever with chicken pox?
If the vaccine is made from the virus she could display some of the symptoms of the virus, but she shouldn’t get full blown chicken pox. If the vaccine is synthetic, then I’d take her to the doctor.
Is Scarlet Fever a more advanced form of Chicken Pox??
You’re a little off on this one. Scarlett fever is an advanced case of strep throat, not chicken pox. I’m sure you heard this before and just couldn’t remember which childhood disease was involved, but just remembered that one of them was i…
How long does the fever usually last before the spots emerge in c…?
Sounds like your poor little ‘uns may well have chickenpox. There’s a couple of pages of really helpful advice from the National Health Service’s website — this is what they say about how long it is between contact with an infected person,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Shouldn´t a kid only have Tylenol for fever with Chicken Pox? and not aspirin?
Q: Doesn´t aspirin with Chicken Pox cause some wild disease?
A: Aspirin is not recommended for use in children with any viral disease because there is a small chance it will lead to Reye’s Syndrome ( which can cause brain damage and/or death. In fact, the FDA, the CDC, and the American Association of Pediatricians all recommend not ever giving aspirin to a person under 19 years old.
can you have fever always when you are infected with chicken pox?
Q: Like my wife finds some blisters (looks like filled with water) on her abdomen (4-5 in numbers) and on her back neck (2-3) this morning, but she does’nt have fever or any itching or pain. Yestarday she noticed only one such blisters on her abdomen area. So, is this a chicken pox? or any other allergic symptoms? Or any skin problem?
A: Usually there is fever with chicken pox. I would go to a doctor. It doesn’t sound like chicken pox….and if it is, she needs to go to a doctor for sure…chicken pox is bad for an adult.
Fever Blisters or Chicken Pox?
Q: What is the difference between fever blisters & chicken pox. I think I have fever blisters, but not sure. I had chicken pox when I was young, but I know you can still get it. I developed this blister in the outer corner of my eye and I haven’t a clue how it popped up. My eye is puffy now & it looks like the blisters are popping up on my cheek & above my lip now. One of my lymph nodes is swollen also and I get that tingling feeling from the blisters.Thank you for all your great answers. I’m pretty sure it isn’t shingles, my hubby had it & will never forget what it looked like or what pain he was in he still has nerve damage. I’m pretty sure it’s fever blisters/cold sores & it isn’t fun. I have them around my mouth too & in my mouth. Hopefully I can get a hold of some abreva or something. I don’t have health insurance right now hubby’s work in HR is very slow.Swelling of lymph nodes is one of the symptoms of fever blisters though & I have other symptoms
A: I tend to agree with my fellow nurse. Because of the eye involvement and the lymph node, wherever it is, I think you need to be seen by a doctor. The sooner, the better.
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