Do stretch marks ever go away

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STRETCH MARKS WILL NEVER EVER GO AWAY!! You can lighten them with the right lotion. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do stretch marks ever go away
I had them a few years ago when I weighed 300 pounds. I lost 100 pounds and now they are gone. I did not have to do anything special like rubbing lotion on them. I just exercised.
So, I never had stretch marks until I gave birth but they came with a vengence so I feel your pain. They can fade but they never really go away per say. You can exfoliate them with a body brush before you get in the shower while the skin is…
I don’t think there’s a person in the world who does not want their stretch marks to disappear completely. People try just about anything to remove them, but do they ever really go away completely? There are various types of treatment op…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do stretch marks ever go away if you lose the weight?
Q: I have stretch marks and there sooo gross. I have them on two areas- the back of my leg and the upper part of my butt. I want to lose a lot of weight this summer and I want to know, do stretch marks ever go away if you lose the weight? Do they ever go away at all?
A: No but they can improve with time especially if they are pink the color will fade out. Some plastic surgery centers have lazer treatments that help, or you can have a tummy tuck and cut them out.
Do stretch marks ever go away when you lose the weight?
Q: I have stretch marks and there sooo gross. I have them on two areas- the back of my leg and the upper part of my butt. I want to lose a lot of weight this summer and I want to know, do stretch marks ever go away if you lose the weight? Do they ever go away at all? And if they do go away, what do I have to do?
A: they lighten up over time, but they never go away even if you loose the weight. I would know =[ its so weird i have some white ones on the back of only one of my knees :S maybe from crossing my legs so much? bup… but I noticed their almost invisible if I tan. Bio oil doesnt work at all and I used it religiously for 3 months before I got fed up.I use any lotion lying around to keep my skin hydrated now.What you could try are vitamin supplements to improve elasticity in your skin so that you dont get more and to help fade the ones you have, I use these ones by greens, I just started so I cant give you a full review see for yourself…
do stretch marks ever go away or fade at all after weight loss?
Q: im an obese teenager, and im starting my journey to being healthy, i was just curious if my stretch marks will ever fade or go away once i lose weight, and if theirs anything i can do or products i can use to help them heal?
A: Nothing removes stretch marks, no creams, no pills. They can fade a little, but not a lot and plastic surgery can help a little.
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