Do lice have wings

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Head lice do not have wings, They can’t jump because they do not have ‘knees’, they crawl. chacha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do lice have wings
Do lice have wings?
Lice do not have wings but they have legs.
Do lice the bugs have wings?
No lice do not fly, they crawl. Unless you find live eggs or lice in your hair don’t rely on itching to tell you there are live lice present. Check close to the scalp and make sure you see either live eggs or lice before you treat yourself….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do any head lice have wings?
Q: If lice don’t have wings, then what kind of insects live on the head that have wings? Over a year ago, my son had insects on his scalp and they all had wings. I used the standard head lice treatment and killed them. What were they?
A: Use wikipedia to look up different species of lice. Maybe it was an evolved type of lice….sorta like how some ants can fly….evolution. Hope u find the answer : – )
Do lice have wings?
Q: If they are small bugs like lice but they have wings, but don’t fly, what are they? They are kind of striped and I think my sis got them from trying on a costume. Help, I don’t want to get them!I am positive they have wings. The doctor says it is lice but he also said she didn’t have an infection when she did and now she has a scar. (when she got cut by something) so now I can’t fully trust his opinion.
A: Lice do not have wings! They also do not jump from person to person. I don’t know what type of small bugs they would be. The only parasite with wings that I know of is a mosquito.
My kids have what looks like lice? The have wings though!?
Q: They are brown/black and have wings. The eggs look white like lice eggs. Some we noticed are actually flying
A: My son had something like this nearly two years ago. However, we did not find any eggs, just the bugs. I treated him as if it was regular lice. One treatment and they were gone! 🙂 For lice, I personally do not use the store-bought stuff. Too many lice are resistant to it. I wash all the bedding and tumble dry, vacuum the carpets and furniture. For the person, I soak the head and hair in rubbing alcohol. Just don’t get it in the eyes and remember it is flammable. After saturating the head, then I rinse and shampoo with regular shampoo. It kills the lice. I use a good lice comb called the LiceMeister. It works great and does not cost a fortune.
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