Do hickies go away

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It takes an average of three to four days for hickies to go away, and sooner if you put something freezing cold on them right away [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do hickies go away
How long does it take for a hickey to go away?
A hickie is just brusing of muscle tissue under the skin so the deeper or darker of the brusing the longer it takes to heal. Ive had a few bad hickies last as long as 4 or 5 days or less then 12 hours
How long does it take for hickies to go away?
A day or two usually. I would suggest using eye concealer or foundation over it, and then you MUST put some face powder over that also. Then it should be nearly gone.
Does putting toothpaste on a hickey really make it go away faster…?
A hickey is a bruise, and you can’t make it go away faster than it heals on its own. You just have to cover it up and wait it out. People might tell you different things that they claim made them go away faster, but they’re incorrect. Each …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there any way to make hickies go away faster?
Q: I’ve heard of a lot of different methods, but do any of them really work? Or is my best bet a good concealer and time?
A: Nothing will make them go away 100%, but you can them fade a bit.Place some spoons in the freezer (5 should do it) until they’re nice and cold. Remove a spoon and rub the backside of it into the hickey until the spoon is warm. Place the spoon back in the freezer and repeat with the remaining spoons.You can apply straight ice to the hickey as well, but sometimes that can be painful.Rub Vitamin K on it.Opposite of the spoon/ice technique… Apply a warm, moist, used tea-bag as a hot compress. Repeatedly re-wet and re-warm it as neededSince its wintertime- you can always where the good ol’ turtleneck and scarf.
does anybody know a way to make hickies go away faster?
Q: i have a hickie and need it to go away fast. any suggestions?
A: Sorry they don’t go away any faster they need some moisturiser applied to them then a coat of concealer. this will hide it till they fade. Hickies can be dangerous someone sucking on your skin to make a mark slightly caveman tactics they last for up to a couple of weeks and are a bad bruise or haematoma. not a good look
how do u make big hickies go away or get smaller?
Q: i need this hickie to go away before i go to work does anybody kno a good solution
A: Supposedly if you freeze a spoon and then put in on it a couple times, that will help. Never tried it, though. Could be one of those old wives’ tales.
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