Do chest tattoos hurt alot

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do chest tattoos hurt alot”,you can compare them.

From online reports, yes, chest tattoos hurt quite a bit but those who have them say the pain is worth the tattoo’s appearance. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do chest tattoos hurt alot
Do chest tattoos hurt alot?
Depends on your body. My chest piece wasn’t terrible. The first 4 hours went by in no time, but the last 2 hours were Hell.
Do chest tattoos hurt?
In addition to what the people above said, its not really the needle thats the worst part (though that is pretty bad becaue there is not much fat there on most people), its the shaking. It will likely vibrate your whole ribcage and make you…
Does chest tattoos hurt?
not at all. they don’t feel like anything. you’ll probably fall asleep and wake up feeling completely refreshed and happy.

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do chest tattoos hurt alot?
Q: i have a good pain tolerance and have 1 tattoo on my leg and im getting a chest peice for my 17th birthday i just wanted to know how bad it is compared to others alot of people tell me its not even that bad… what do you think? i dont give a fuck if u think im to young so dont bother
A: Depends on your body. My chest piece wasn’t terrible. The first 4 hours went by in no time, but the last 2 hours were Hell.
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Q: I have had four open heart surgeries so the tattoo will be of a heart and some gears in the heart. im just really worried that this will hurt too much, but not alot of other stiff hurts more than having open heart surgery, so it kinda go either way. any ideas?also its gonna be away from the sternum because sternum tattoos hurt alot.
A: Take a regular sewing needle and either burn the tip with a match or a lighter, so that it sterilizes it. Wait for it to cool down!!! Then take it to various parts of your body that you’re thinking of getting ink done and just poke, over and over, very rapidly until your skin turns red a little. THAT’S how it feels. If you’re too nervous to poke yourself, have a trusted friend or family member do it. That’s how I psyched myself up for my first tattoo and much to my surprise, it hurt worse using the sewing needle than getting the actual tattoo! lol The tattoo tickled so much that I had to wait for the guy to refill the needle with ink before I could laugh! And that was 19 tattoos ago. But like others above me have said, it’s basically your threshold for pain. Is yours high or low? Can you handle being pinched? And I’m not talking about a good chunk of skin either, I’m talking like getting the tiniest amount of skin you can between your fingernails and pinching. That’s another way to see how it would feel. But overall, the pain is worth it! Tattoos are SO addictive. I’m planning on getting at least two in the next couple of months and my husband will be as well. If it’s something you really want, then you’re going to have to suffer a little through some pain. But it doesn’t last because you have natural “pain killers”, wherein I mean that after awhile, your body will “numb” itself and you won’t really feel anything at all.After it’s over, you’ll feel a kind of burning sensation and it’ll be warm to the touch. But that’s to be expected because you’ve just upset the skin in that area, just like any cut or scratch. And it’ll itch BAD while it’s healing, but if you feel you can’t handle it, take a CLEAN towel and lay over it and just lightly press against it. Or when you go to clean it with the soap, you can rub it a little and putting the ointment on there. To me, that’s what makes it itch so much in the first place is the ointment, but again like any cut or scratch, it WILL itch while it’s healing.I hope this helps!
does a tattoo hurt if its on your chest?
Q: i want to get a small tattoo on my chest its going to be a thunder strike. its going to be like a inch and a half and its gonna be above my nipple. plz help me out i would like to know what im going through before i get it thx alot
A: Most guys are tough enough to hang in there for such a small tattoo. What doesn’t kill ya, makes ya stronger. Go in with a positive attitude.
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