Do blind people see when they dream

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There has been some studies on this and some scientists say that yes blind people see in there dreams! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do blind people see when they dream
Thank you so much for asking. i have been blind for six years and through residual memory, i usually dream in images. For me, it is a beautiful experience, because at least in that realm i have my “sight” back. i do dream sometime…
People can only dream in perspective to what senses they have used to experience the world. If a person has never been able to see he or she would have no basis for visual dreams. Dreams would be experienced in an auditory, tactile, olfacto…
Well on big brother this year the blind guy mikey has only been blind for 10 years and says he sees people in his dreams but the faces are blurred,and apparently people that are born blind dont see anything whether this is true im not so su…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When blind people dream do they see?
Q: I mean do they see images and the world like when we dream.
A: People who never had sight do not dream in images. People who used to see, still see in dreams, just as people who are paralyzed and can’t move their legs still walk and run in dreams because they -remember- walking and running.
What do blind people see when they dream?
Q: What do people who are blind see in their dreams?
A: They don’t see anything they dream in voices. I once asked my deaf friend how he dreams and he dreams in sign language.
When and if blind people dream, what do they see?
Q: Do they see things like people who can see them can? In their mind’s eye? Do they just get it in black and white, or can they see color?
A: i have been blind for nearly six years and yes, i usually dream in images. For me, it is a beautiful experience, because at least in that realm i have my “sight” back. i do dream sometimes in only auditory senses though, and that is happening more often in recent years.
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