Do black and white people smell different

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Everyone smells different from another person.There are a lot of individual differences having to do with personal chemistry. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do black and white people smell different
Do black and white people smell different? or is it based on the …?
Smell is based on an individual, and not a race. Your doctor friend is correct, though. There are certain races that do have thicker or thinner skin as well as higher or lower body fat percentages. The reasons are because of their need for …
Why do black people smell different than white people??
why are you trying to smell ppl LMAO
Do black people smell different to white people? i.e different ra…?
Here’s a joke my mother told me a long time ago: A pair of white European men are walking along a road in an African country. Tired and far from their hotel they decide to hitchhike. A pair of black African men see the hitchhikers and pick …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do black people smell different to white people? i.e different races smell different?
Q: hi, i am having a big discussion with a friend who believes people from different races have a distinctly different body smell, nothing to do with perfumes etc just their basic body odour is different! i have never noticed this, i would really like Scientific face not just opinions if possible thank you. would a white person not enjoy a black smell??hi, i am having a big discussion with a friend who believes people from different races have a distinctly different body smell, nothing to do with perfumes etc just their basic body odour is different! i have never noticed this, i would really like Scientific fact not just opinions if possible thank you. would a white person not enjoy a black smell??
A: Here’s a joke my mother told me a long time ago:A pair of white European men are walking along a road in an African country. Tired and far from their hotel they decide to hitchhike. A pair of black African men see the hitchhikers and pick them up. When they arrive to the hotel goodbyes are exchanged and each pair goes their separate way.”Jesus Christ,” says one of the white men as they enter the hotel lobby, “did you smell those guys?””Indeed, blacks smell,” says his comrade.Further down the road…”Good god!” Begins one black man as they drive down the road. “Did you smell those men!?””Indeed, whites smell my friend,” says the other.Moral to the joke: perhaps people of different ethnicities and cultures have varying smells, but none are considered universally good.
Why do black people smell different than white people?
A: why are you trying to smell ppl LMAO
Do black and white people smell different? or is it based on the individual….?
Q: I know the casual factors i.e. food you eat, products you use…but my Doctor friends says black people have thicker skin density…why?
A: Smell is based on an individual, and not a race. Your doctor friend is correct, though. There are certain races that do have thicker or thinner skin as well as higher or lower body fat percentages. The reasons are because of their need for protecting the body of the elements like wind, heat, sun, etc. It is the body’s way of protecting itself. However, the odor is not effected by the skin or fat, but instead by diet, hygiene, body chemistry, and the products you use.
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