Could you die from a mild heart attack

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Could you die from a mild heart attack”,you can compare them.

Yes, any heart attack can be a fatal one. Get help immediately if you suspect you are having one. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Could you die from a mild heart attack
What Are the Symptoms of a Mild Heart Attack?
Summary: The symptoms of a mild heart attack include chest pain, neck pain, jaw pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and hypertension. Discover treatment and therapy options for heart attack patients with help from an EMT in this fre…
What is a Mild Heart Attack?
A mild heart attack is not as severe as a typical heart attack and does not produce a standard heart attack pattern on the ECG. The most common cause of mild heart attack is a minor blockage in the artery, or growth of a blood clot on top o…
Did i have a mild heart attack?
Stress is the chief cause of most anxiety, panic and social phobias. But stress is not just about feeling tense and wired. It’s about the triggering of our hard-wired “Fight or Flight Response.” And it’s about the release of toxic…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you die from heart disease, if there is no myocardial infarct? Does the heart just stop?
Q: My father’s cause of death was listed as hypertensive and arteriosclerotic heart disease. He was found dead collapsed on the floor. He had one mild previous heart attack, and one other one, but both were old and healed. There was no “new” attack. I don’t understand how he died…..was it cardiac arrest? In other words, does the heart just stop from heart disease? I am devastated…..thank you.For the record, he DID have an autopsy, and cause was as listed above, with two OLD PREVIOUS INFARCTS, but NO NEW ONES…..And NO NEW STROKE, just his old healed one
A: My sympathy on the loss of your father. Good thoughts coming your way.A person can die of heart disease without actually having a heart attack. If he had the mentioned heart disease, it means his heart was really struggling to maintain a healthy function. Eventually, in that disease process, the heart just can’t do it anymore and will eventually fall into a deadly arrhythmia, which cannot sustain life.Any cardiac death is commonly referred to as cardiac arrest, especially when a patient is found with an inefficient heartbeat. Sometimes even with every intervention available, the heart is just too diseased to fight anymore. That was probably the case.Again, my sympathy.
Possible to die from a heart attack/stroke from a rollercoaster?
Q: I’m 16 Years old. I’m not really a roller coaster person. I have been on a few big ones before nothing ever happened. Anyway i’m goin to six flags on friday and I’m wondering what are the chances of getting a heart attack/stroke on any high speed roller coaster?My Conditions:No heart/neurological problems/diseasesI do have allergies (Most mild and are things like animals such as dogs. Dust is the only one that can probably be considered for six flags)Blood Pressure= Normal5’9 160 lbs.
A: If you have no serious pre-existing health conditions, then there is no reason to believe that it would be dangerous for you to ride a roller coaster. The stories you will hear about people passing out seriously ill or dying on a roller coaster are nearly always due to some pre-existing condition.That being said, if you’re super-nervous, there’s no reason for you to feel like you HAVE to ride anything. But if you’re willing to give it a try… I bet you’ll have a great time 🙂
My father died of a sudden heart attack in his home….I cannot get over this REGRET I am feeling….?
Q: I should have gotten him LIFE ALERT and he could have pressed it and been saved. He was 76 years old. He had several health problems including diabetes (controlled), hypertension (controlled), stage 4 kidney disease, and atrial fibrillation (controlled by digoxin). He had two strokes in the past, the last being 12 years ago, which paralyzed his left side, but he got some of it back and could walk with a cane. He also had a mild heart attack about 15 years ago, which was treated with balloon angioplasty. I wanted him to enjoy his final years, so I let him drive, and do his own things, etc. I am VERY REGRETFUL that I did not get him LIFE ALERT (or another similar product). I realize that sometimes when people have a heart attack, they do not know it, and cannot press the button, but I am still very regretful over this…..I don’t know how I am ever going to forgive myself for this…..please help!Thank you everybody, you are very helpful….God Bless You all….Just for the record, he was found on the kitchen floor in the sitting position (on his bottom), with his knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and his head slumped down to his chest. One arm had an abrasion on it on the upper side of the forearm, as if he may have nicked it against the table or chair that he was near….
A: I completely understand that you are feeling guilty but you have to bear in mind that your father was a sick man with many other medical problems. His quality of life would be decreasing pretty rapidly at this stage anyway and it is best that he went quickly instead of being kept alive artificially, in pain and in hospital away from everything he knows. It was his time and instead of wallowing in guilt, you should work on preserving the memories you have of him.
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