Can you survive a shot to the head

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It is possible to survive a shot to the head. Many times there is significant damage done though. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you survive a shot to the head
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Can you survive being shot through the head?
Maybe, but they’d probably destroy their spinal cord and end up a quadriplegic. It would depend on if they shot at an angle that went straight up into the brain (which would kill them) or if they shot at a gentler angle through the bottom o…
Can human survive a bullet shot through the head??
I’m sure that it’d be one, considering that the bullet may hit one center of process that has another relying on it, causing a chain reaction of shutdowns. The human probably wouldn’t be dead, but they wouldn’t be able to espace/call 911/ki…

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If you were shot in the head and have a modern day army helmet on is there a chance to survive a head shot?
Q: If you were shot in the head and have a modern day army helmet on is there a chance to survive a head shot? or would it break your kneck.?
A: it depends on what you were shot with. A handgun round could probably be stopped at a far enough distance. A round from an AK-47 is going right through unless it is a glancing shot. The modern Kevlar helmet is designed to protect against shrapnel and will protect you from glancing rounds but not a direct hit.
How did Patrick Ireland survive getting shot twice in the head?
Q: I was recently researching the Columbine Massacre, and I saw that Patrick Ireland was shot twice in the head and lived. He was talking on this youtube video, and he looked fine.I was wondering if someone really could survive two gunshot wounds to the head??
A: That does happen, guns are deadly and head shot usually kill but not in all circumstances. When you ask about his survival, think about the other head shots that same day that died instantly. More than not it will kill, but not every time. It sucks, but one thing I noticed when reading about columbine.. Was that it could have been A LOT WORSE! Considering those two big bombs that would have burned and wounded so many students in the cafeteria, if they had gone off. Then eric and dylan probably would have just picked off the fleeing students in very easy and mass quantities.Although the situation is still so devastating, I do believe the lord was there that day! Protecting those in the school, rather they made it out alive or not.
Can you survive being shot through the head?
Q: I’m not planning on doing this, but if someone shoots themselves in the mouth, through their skull can they survive?
A: anythings possible…. some crazy things happen to people and if you are given proper medical attention quick enough anythings possible…
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