Can you not get herpies from kissing someone

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Herpes simplex type 1, which is transmitted through oral secretions or sores on the skin, can be spread through kissing. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you not get herpies from kissing someone
Can you get herpes if you kiss someone who has it but not on thei…?
You can get herpes simplex 1 if he has a blister or a healing blister. When they first start to feel a breakout come you need to stay clear of contact. Stay away for at least a week after its cleared up also. You can catch it just by touch….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it possible to get herpies by kissing someone?
Q: if so, will you always get it if you make that kind of contact with someone woh has it or is it rare to be passed that way?is it only if the person has an outbreak? how do you tell if someone is having an outbreak?
A: The short answer is yes. Even sharing a cup with someone that has herpes can spread the virus. There are two types of herpes and both of them can show up on either the lips or the genitals. The majority of people with the virus have Herpes simplex-1 which is what most people consider cold sores, although it is almost identical to simplex-2. Once you have herpes it is permanent. Some people never have physical symptoms, but a virus cannot be killed.The virus is most contagious during an outbreak, but can be spread at any time from someone that has it. Cold sores or blisters are the most obvious signs of an outbreak and oral sex should be avoided if you want to prevent the spread of herpes to your partner.Disclaimer:The information provided here should not be used to for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or disorder. A licensed physician should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. In the case of a medical emergency, seek immediate medical attention.
can you get herpies from kissing some one?
Q: my friend said you cant and all my life i thought you can? can you or cant you?
A: yes you can. herpes simplex 1 or 2. 1 keeps coming back like a boomerang.. 2 won’t come back unless you get reinfected. tell your friend most cold sores are herpes and they are contagious.
can u get herpies from someone lip tuching yours and thay dont have herpies?
Q: im a girl, a boy for the first time put his lip on mine. he is my boy-friend. he dosent have cold soars or blisters on his mouth or lips thay are clean and pink. im just scared cuz its my first time kissing.he had shaving bumps tho.can i get herpies?
A: The only way to get herpes is by having come contact with an infected person. If you bf is not infected, then you won’t be either. But good question. There is a lot of false information out there, especially with teens and on the Internet, so be careful who you believe.
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