Can you have ulcers in your mouth

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have ulcers in your mouth”,you can compare them.

Yes, you can get ulcers in your mouth, from a variety of conditions such as viral infection, anemia or herpes simplex. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have ulcers in your mouth
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What causes mouth ulcers?
Is it inside or outside? Outside is known as a “cold sore” which is caused by a herpes virus, nothing you can do, either you have it or you don’t. Keep it clean and put some neosporin on it. Don’t kiss anyone and wash your hands …
Why do i get mouth ulcers?
those are know as traumatic ulcers. Try not to bit your inside of your mouth. They are self made ulcers.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to take away ulcers in your mouth?
Q: I have got so manu ulcers in my mouth.. and I do not know what to do about them. I tried putting salt in the past (OWWWW!) and it works, but I’m not sure if its healthy. I put Bonjela, but it doesn’t seem to be that effective, its only to take away the pain but then after a while its not effective later. I used tawas solution (ever heard of it?) but after you use it once or twice it doesn’t work anymore.Please help! Whatever your views are welcome.
A: Best way is too stop stressing out.
How to get rid of ulcers in your mouth/throat?
Q: I have ulcers in the very back on my mouth. I’ve very rarely have ulcers. How do I get rid of these? I can’t swallow and it’s hard for me to talk. I’ve tried saltwater,peroxide, and mouthwash. Anything else? It feels like it’s swelling. It’s not a sore throat, I have them regularly.
A: it could be cancer, coxsackie, GERD, etc. go to a DOCTOR!!!check WebMD
anybody know of any cures for ulcers in your mouth?
Q: you know the horrible ones that pop up randomly inside your mouth? i have one and it hurts very very bad. i’m even considering going to the doctor soon to see if there’s some sort of antibiotic they can treat it with. i’ve had it for about a week and it hurts to eat, smile, talk and just about everything else. so any remedies would help! thanks.
A: It takes 7 days to heal, place oral glycerine on it
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