Can you get worms from chewing on your hair

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get worms from chewing on your hair”,you can compare them.

Getting worms from chewing on your hair is an ‘Old wives tale’ told to stop youngsters from doing just that! It’s not dangerous. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get worms from chewing on your hair
Can kids really get worms from chewing on their hair??
No it’s an old wives tale, like sitting too close to the television will turn your eyes squared. Basic scare tactic. Stops them from sucking their hair, because lets face it, who wants to get worms.
Can chewing on your hair give you worms inside?
no. there would have to be worms in your hair, eggs, or larvae to begin with. i’m pretty sure there are no types of worms that live in the hair, only lice, etc. they just told her that to make her break a nasty habit. however, there was thi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can kids really get worms from chewing on their hair?
Q: All the mothers in our neighborhood used to tell us that, but I really don’t see how it’s possible unless you had worm eggs in your hair to begin with.
A: No it’s an old wives tale, like sitting too close to the television will turn your eyes squared.Basic scare tactic. Stops them from sucking their hair, because lets face it, who wants to get worms.
Can chewing on your hair give you worms inside?
Q: My friend’s parents and older sis said it could. I find that fishy. Is it true?
A: no. there would have to be worms in your hair, eggs, or larvae to begin with. i’m pretty sure there are no types of worms that live in the hair, only lice, etc. they just told her that to make her break a nasty habit. however, there was this girl who was about 18 who used to chew on her hair and ended up with a huge ten pound ball of hair in her stomach that made her sick and had to be surgically removed. strange, but true! link to the cnn story below. seriously.oh, and that guy;s wrong, you can’t get worms from eating sugar. well, unless the sugar has worms in it…
Dog has 2 spots he keeps chewing on,no hair now.Do dogs get ring worms from cats?
Q: Too many stray cats around can they give my dog ring worms.?Does ring worm meds work on him also?Human kind?
A: Get to the vet and have them check it out. My 8 month old was biting and chewing on his front legs and I posted it here and the suggestions I got was allergies. We went to the vet this week and I have special shampoo to use on him. She told me to monitor it since me washing off his legs when he comes inside has been working. So … check with your vet
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