Can you get rid of cauliflower ear

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Treatment for cauliflower ear is to drain blood from the hematoma, treat any infection, and re-establish the connection of ..MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get rid of cauliflower ear
How do you get rid of Cauliflower Ear?
Cauliflower ear is the result of repeated rubbing or friction on the outer ear, most commonly seen in wrestling. This could also include repeated hits in boxing or fighting. The under surface of the external ear swells with fluid and harden…
Is there any way to get rid of cauliflower ears?Anyone got any ad…?
Depending on how severe the Cauliflower is, you can have them drained. ie, if it very severe then the good old NHS will do it for you. Also it will depend on how long ago you got the Cauliflower, and whether they have now gone hard. Alterna…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to get rid of Cauliflower ears yourself?
A: There’s no way to do this yourself. The only way to get rid of them is surgery done by a good plastic surgeon.
cauliflower ear advice?
Q: i have a small bit of puffiness in my right ear. I’m a pro wrestler, so i got ittt getting hit i the ear. It’s not very serious. But i won’t go away. How do i get rid of it?
A: Try these links to avoid surgery.If not taken care of properly and quickly, the injury will lead to permanent damage and deformity of the ear. Once the fluid has hardened and the cartilage tissue in the ear has been destroyed, only surgery can possibly correct the problem.How is cauliflower ear treated?The goals of treatment are to drain blood from the hematoma, treat any infection, and re-establish the connection of the skin to the underlying cartilage. Treatment usually requires draining accumulated blood (the hematoma) through an incision in the ear and applying a compressive dressing to sandwich the two sides of the skin against the cartilage. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection.
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