Can you get rid of cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get rid of cancer”,you can compare them.

There are times that your able to beat cancer by doing Chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Some people had to have both treatments. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get rid of cancer
How can I get rid of breast cancer?
Ayurveda has mentioned several measures that are extremely helpful in preventing cancer. Classical ayurvedic preparations like kachanara guggulu, chandraprabha vati and khadirarishta has proved to be very effective in treating cancers. If t…
How do you get rid of lung cancer?
As previously stated, lung cancer is not curable altho often surgery can be used to cut out the cancerous lobes. There are two main types of lung cancer, small cell and non small cell. Small cell is faster growing but chemo is quite success…
Is cancer curable?
Cancer Treatment. Treatment also varies based on the type of cancer and its stage. The stage of a cancer refers to how much it has grown and whether the tumor has spread from its original location. If the cancer is confined to one location …

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What are better alternatives to chemo to rid cancer?
Q: my mother recently had cancer and part of a lung removed due to cancer. now the doctors want her on chemo. my mother and I both agree this will be a very bad idea and want the best alternatives. seen somewhere vitamin c is good and shark cartiledge
A: This will give you all the info you need on alternatives.
Does chemotherapy gets rid of nasal cancer?
Q: My cousin have to take chemotherapy for at least half a year to get rid of nasal cancer. Here’s what I want to know, does it get rid of it completely? Have you ever known someone who has taken chemotherapy and after wards, the cancer goes away and never comes back? Does it go away forever after taking chemotherapy? Please answer, I have to know to right away.
A: Keeping Safe at Home with ChemotherapyAs more and more chemotherapy is given in outpatient clinics and at home, it is extremely important that caregivers and patients understand the risks and hazards that household members may be exposed to. Chemotherapy can be given via a portable infusion pump or in pill form. In both cases it is possible for cancer drugs to unintentionally come in contact with caregivers. When chemotherapy is given in any form, the body must then get rid of it after it’s done its job. This means that the drugs leave the body in a patient’s stool and urine.
How to get rid of prostate cancer?
Q: Hi yahoo answers tell me the ways to get rid of cancer
A: Prostate cancer, however, is usually a slow growing form of cancer which responds well to treatment.The first step in prostate cancer prevention is to improve your general health. Weight should be within the normal range for your height. If you are very overweight..Avoid taking sugar and drink plenty of water which is the best method to avoid any diseases..
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