Can you get herpes from sharing drinks

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get herpes from sharing drinks”,you can compare them.

Yes, you can contract herpes from sharing drinks or food with someone who has open sores, or by sharing utensils. Be careful! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get herpes from sharing drinks
Can you get herpes from sharing a drink?
Only if you had an open sore in your mouth where the can touched.
Can you get herpes from sharing drinks with someone who has an op…?
It’s possible, if you take a sip immediately with in seconds after they did. If you wait more then a minute or two then you’re chances decrease, herpes doesn’t survive in fluids or on objects for more then seconds.
Will i get genital herpes by touch with no outbreak penis???
Genital Herpes Risk Factors. Herpes is caused by two viruses – Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, and Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2. HSV-1, the virus responsible for common cold sores, can be transmitted through fluids from the mouth….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you get herpes from sharing drinks?
Q: I went to a party about 4-5 days ago. I was pretty wasted and I kept dranking. I took like 2 random cups i found on the table and I filled it up with beer and kept drinking. I had a small cut in my mouth and soon it turned into a canker sore. Do I have herpes?
A: Yes, cold sores (oral herpes) can be spread by sharing a drink with someone who has them, sharing chap stick, lip stick, a cigarette, etc. If you drank from a random cup and the person who was drinking out of it had cold sores, then it’s possible for you to have contracted cold sores (oral herpes). Canker sores are NOT herpes. Canker sores are basically ulcers which almost always appear on the INSIDE of a persons mouth. They can appear on the tongue, gums, cheeks, inside the lip, etc. Canker sores are NOT contagious. They are usually caused by stress, allergies, accidentally biting your tongue or cheek, etc. Cold sores ARE herpes and ARE contagious. They usually appear on the OUTSIDE of a person mouth. They are caused by a virus and there is no cure for them. If you are concerned you have herpes you can always get tested by your doctor. 75 – 80% of the WORLD has cold sores, so I wouldn’t stress too much about it. Good luck!
Can I catch Herpes from sharing drinks with other people that have it?
A: You could catch herpes from sharing drinks with someone who has it, but not the BIG herpes. Just the herpes that gives you cold sores.
So you can get Herpes from just kissing or sharing drinks?
Q: And I heard that most herpes is spread when the person shows no symptoms. So how do you prevent from getting herpes besides locking yourself inside your house and not socializing with people? You cant do anything!
A: Yes, you are right…..Herpes is very contagious. It spreads via skin-to-skin contact. So many people have it and don’t even know it because the virus remains latent and no symptoms show. Herpes is not usually a part of STD screening. Also,it usually takes 3 months after exposure for Herpes to show up in a blood test. After 3 months the virus can remain latent and you can test negative even though you have it. What you can do is take daily Valtrex if you know you have it, use a condom, be open with sexual partners and use a dental dam for oral sex. Oral Herpes is spread easily as well and can be transfered from sharing things like chapstick, cups,kissing etc. If you have a cold sore and give oral sex you can also give that person genital Herpes. It is a very trickey virus!That is true,people can go years without showing symptoms and all of a sudden something pops up. That is why it is difficult to detect who transmitted it because it literally could have been from anywhere. People often transmit it to others unknowingly because they didn’t know they had it.
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