Can you get headaches from sleeping too much

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get headaches from sleeping too much”,you can compare them.

Too much sleep can aggravate headaches in any individual. Fluctuations in seratonin and other brain neurotransmitters cause them. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get headaches from sleeping too much
Why do I get headaches if I sleep too much?
You may be dehydrated. That will often cause headaches….also, lack of regular food intake will do the same.
Why do i get a headache from too much sleep?
It is like a sleep hang over in a way You do to much of one thing and your body can reject it, in your case your body doesn’t need any more than 8 hours of sleep. When you do get up get a cup of coffee and put a few spoonfuls of hot coco in…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of headaches from sleeping too much?
A: Do not use painkillers unless you have some specificly diagnosed condition.Make sure you’re breathing properly and the room you’re in has fresh air, lots of sunlight when you’re not sleeping and no light (natural or artifical) at all when you’re sleeping (not even light from your clock).Go to bed as early as possible (before 10 PM if possible) and get no less than 7 but no more than 8 hours of sleep daily. Taking a nap is also recommended.
Can too much sleep cause bad headaches?
Q: I’ve been depressed. So I’ve been sleeping a lot. I don’t sleep well. I toss & turn all night & wake up every hour. But I end up being in bed like 12 hours (not sleeping the whole time, but I’m in bed that long). I’ve been getting a lot of bad headaches, that go to my temple, behind my eye, to the back of my neck & I’m miserable all day. This has been happening a lot. Could that possibly be the cause? Only serious answers please, thank you.
A: Too much sleep/too little sleep can cause headaches Researchers think fluctuations in seratonin and other brain neurotransmitters occur during sleep, which in turn can influence the headaches.More info here.
Can too much sleep cause headaches?
Q: I’ve been sleeping about 12 hours a night lately, and the next day I always have a headache. I’ve just been so sleepy all the time lately. Does too much sleep cause headaches?I think I am depressed actually. :/
A: It definitely does. The average person only needs 8 to 9 hours. Sleeping too long causes headaches and other body aches as well. Sleeping too much also makes your body tired and sluggish.You should get a check up. You could be anemic or depressed. Please get a check up soon!
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