Can you get Food poisoning from mold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get Food poisoning from mold”,you can compare them.

Toxic mold can form on improperly stored fruit, vegetables, grains, and nuts and can cause food poisoning, ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get Food poisoning from mold
How is bacterial food poisoning different from mould food poisoni…?
Bacteria is an infective agent. When you swallow it, it produce toxins in your stomach that cause nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and worst kidney failure. Mold (AM) mould (GB) is a toxic agent and when swallowed produces similar symptoms as …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: What are the symptoms of mold food poisoning ?I havnt actually got it im reasearching it lol
A: Food poisioning takes anywhere from 24-48 hours to show up. You’ll feel extremely sick, throwing up constantly, diarria, any of the following. Be sure to keep hydrated!
Where do you get your rabbit food from?
Q: My last two rabbits died when I got my food from petsmart. The food was tested positive for mycotoxin poisoning which is a type of mold and both of my bunnies bled to deah. I’m getting a new rabbit tommorrow and need to know what type of food to get so that this doesn’t happen again. I was thinking that I should get manopro which is a type of food from tractor supply. I was planning on getting a 25 lbs bag but if any one knows any quality rabbit food then that would be helpful. Thanx!
A: I would highly recommend Blue Seal Show Hutch Delux, but it only comes in 50 lbs. If where you live doesn’t sell Blue Seal, you can always try to find Bunny-16 near your local pet store or online. That’s just my opinion. I used to feed my bunny both Bunny-16 and Blue Seal and when I took it to the vet, he’d always say he was a healthy bunny and it made me proud. My bunny died, though…
will moldy milk cause food poisoning?
Q: I was thirsty, drank one sip of milk and realized it was pure sh-it. Then i looked inside and the carton was lined with black-brownish stuff that looked like mold or something. It has not yet expired. Will I get food poisoning from this? I sure hope not.
A: maybe just the shittttttssssssss…….your probley a okay.
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