Can you get chlamydia through saliva

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get chlamydia through saliva”,you can compare them.

You can receive chlamydia through kissing or contact with saliva. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get chlamydia through saliva
Can You Get Chlamydia Through Dirty Saliva?
Chlamydia is a std only it is through sexual membranes and cannot be given through any other way. If you are with someone and they tell you that they have never been with anyone else and you know you have not, that is a lie it may be hard t…
Can Chlamydia be transfered through saliva, can a woman get .?
Okay if that doesn’t work , go to your search engine and type in, chlamydia and saliva, it will take you to that site. Gail
Can chlamydia be spread through saliva?
i really dont think so i think that diease is spread by sexual contact ..nothing to worry about

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can Chlamydia be transferred through saliva, such as sharing food?
Q: I just found out my friend has Chlamydia and I recently shared a plate of pasta with her, it is possible that I now have it too?
A: You would be the first.Chlamydia is an STD that effect the genitals and is not known to infect the mouth such as herpes or other STD’s.I hope this helps-DanEMT
Can chlamydia be passed through saliva?
Q: I want to know if a female infected with simple chlamydia can pass it on to a male through 1 oral sex act
A: no, chlamydia is hardly ever passed through oral sex. Gonorrhea on the other hand, can be easily transmitted through oral be completely safe, take your antibotics and allow it to clear up before you have sex.
Can chlamydia be spread through saliva?
Q: If the person infected with the disease (chlamydia) spits on their hand and has a contact with a mans “body part” can the disease be spread?
A: i really dont think so i think that diease is spread by sexual contact ..nothing to worry about
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