Can you get cancer on your butt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get cancer on your butt”,you can compare them.

You can get skin cancer on your butt. Skin cancer’s the most common form of human cancer. Over 1,000,000 new cases occur annually. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get cancer on your butt
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Is it true that cloth diapers will make your baby develop butt cancer?
Q: my family is at high risk for butt cancer. stop making fun of me!chemicals…my motto has always been “better living through chemistry”
A: OF COURSE!! Just like pacifiers cause tounge cancer!! And mittens cause cancer of the hands!Jeez.
What are the only ways you can get Butt cancer?
Q: Can you get it from yourself or does it have to be transmitted by somebody else?
A: I know you’re trying to be funny by joking about butt cancer. But there really is such thing.HPV (the same strains that cause cervical cancer) can in rare instances cause rectal and anal cancer. HPV is sexualkly transmitted, and yes, in these cases the cancer is seen in men who receive anal sex.You can get colorectal cancer if you have a family history of colon cancer and if you don’t eat enough fiber. Fiber intake is on the decline because folks — especially adolescent boys, the type who like to clown around by talking about butt cancer — have atrocious eating habits that consist of more junk and less fresh fruit and vegetables.Statistically, YOU, NYC BOY! are in a currently high risk group for getting butt cancer as an adult, seeing as your lifestyle is likely to consist of sitting around in front of a computer eating junk and drinking Mountain Dew. If you had some sense, you’d log off Y!A right now, go exercise and become a heavy-duty salad-eater.
Does wiping your butt too much cause cancer?
Q: using alot of toilet paper, you know…
A: Probably not any more than scratching your head.
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