Can you get asthma from smoking marijuana

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get asthma from smoking marijuana”,you can compare them.

Secondhand smoke is a risk factor for new cases of asthma in preschool aged children who havn’t already exhibited asthma symptoms. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get asthma from smoking marijuana
Can smoking marijuana cause asthma?
Marijuana opens the small capilliaries in the lungs so you can breath better. But it cannot be moldy! A specific strain is grown and I don’t know those that can specifically target lungs. Marijuana is a medicinal herb. Joggers, runners, and…
How does smoking marijuana effect my asthma?
Burning marijuana leaves produce smoke and gases similar to those produced by tobacco. However, whereas tobacco smoke contains nicotine, cannabis smoke contains tetrahydrocannabinol as its “active” ingredient. Both marijuana and tobacco smo…
Is smoking marijuana worth asthma relief?
The most common reason why inhalers don’t work is improper technique. Inhalers should not be inserted in the mouth. Instead, using a spacer will allow the most amount of medication to go the lungs instead of being deposited in the mouth or …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Smoking Marijuana…and Asthma?
Q: I have never been a marijuana smoker till the last few weeks.During that time i have noticed that my asthma just dissappears and doesnt bother me at all…before the last few weeks my asthma would bug me several times a day and have to use and asthma inhaler…but since i smoked mary jane my asthma has dissappeared…has anyone else ever experienced this or read any possible pages on the net about it….thanks
A: It seems that you have realised one of the medical benefits of marijuana.I’m sure your case would be of interest to those campaigning for medical marijuana.Congratulations son was born with severe asthma, and has almost died numerous times in his life, from it. He’s 24 years old now, but still suffers from the severe asthma.About the time he got his driver’s license at 16 his asthma mysteriously got better….. My wife and I assumed that he was finally growing out if it. Unbeknownst to us, he was smoking marijuana.2 years ago he got busted with a joint. He was put on probation with random urine tests, and was unable to smoke any pot for a long time. His asthma came back just as severe as it was before he started smoking pot.I’m convinced that pot helps asthmatics. My son is living proof.
Does smoking marijuana have a serious impact on asthma sufferers?
Q: And if so why?
A: Bradx and notyou are both correct. It is worse than smoking. There is no filter. In an Asthma attack, the tissues in the lungs are inflamed. Smoking (anything) and other irritants in the air aggravate this condition. When you smoke, your lungs actually bleed. Not exactly what you want to try to breathe through.
Is it bad to smoke marijuana ocasionally if I have asthma?
Q: I’m talking like smoking it at the very MOST once a week. Can that have a big impact on my asthma?I just have normal asthma, it was not induced by smoking cigarettes. I had asthma before i started smoking cigarettes and then i realized that was a REALLY bad idea [durr]. so I’m just wondering how dangerous it will be for me to smoke marijuana. Thanks
A: Any kind of smoking is bad if you have Asthma! Quit now both the pot and the regular smoking and avoid both like the plague.
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