Can you die if you fart and burp at the same time

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die if you fart and burp at the same time”,you can compare them.

No, I and my son both can testify that you can fart and burp at the same time safely, frequently as a matter of fact. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die if you fart and burp at the same time
Will you die if you burp and fart at the same time?
No you will not. It is physically possible to do so and more people have done it than you might think. Burping involves releasing gas from your stomach through the esophagus, while farting involves releasing gas from your large intestine. S…
Will we all die if we fart, burp, cough and sneeze all at the sam…?
Lemme try. No, but it pisses off the people I share a cube with.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that if you fart and burp at the same time you can die?
Q: my cousins and i are bored and we wanted to know.
A: no
Is it true that if you sneeze, burp, and fart at the same time that you will die?
Q: My cousin always told me that so I was wondering if you don’t die what will happen really?
A: well I have farted and burped at the same time followed up by a hiccup and I am still alive.
is it true that if you burp and fart at the same time you die?
A: Try it and leave me in your will, just in case. 🙂
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