Can you die from tourettes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from tourettes”,you can compare them.

TS is not contagious, which means you cannot catch it from someone. TS is not fatal, which means that you cannot die from it. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from tourettes
Did Tourettes Guy die?
Unfortunately. A Peter Pan Peanut butter alert. For those that don’t know who he is:…
Can You Die From Tourette’s Syndrome?
No. Tourettes does not cause any degeneration. While Tics can be painful, it wont kill you.
Did the Tourettes Guy actually die?
I’m almost positive that he has passed away. Whether he was acting or not, they started selling his DVDs on the website and all of the benefits were to go to his family.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what did the tourettes guy danny die from and when?
Q: Ive been watching the tourettes guy on youtube and absaloutly love him was this something that came on the tv ive got no idea and when/how did he die anyone got more info about the tourettes guy for me much appreciatedAAGGHHH BOB SAGET!!!
A: Danny (Tourettes guy) died from multiple injuries resulting from a car crash incident which took place in the early days of August. He officially passed away on Aug 4th. We do love him and shall dearly miss him.Danny, you bought us great laughter with your funny ways and we would like to pay our respects to the love and laughter you bought the world. We will miss you and you’re never forgotten. Did that help..?
Did the Tourettes Guy actually die?
Q: It’s pretty obvious that most of the Tourettes Guy is just acting and he doesn’t really have tourettes, but did the guy playing Danny actually die? To me it sounds like they just got tired of making videos and the only way to end it was with his death, but I’ve heard it both ways.
A: I’m almost positive that he has passed away. Whether he was acting or not, they started selling his DVDs on the website and all of the benefits were to go to his family.
Did Tourettes Guy really die?
Q: I was wondering if he really died. For some reason it’s hard for me to tell if he really had tourettes or not. I’ve watched his videos ever since they came out and I think that everything’s a hoax. But my friend has told me otherwise that he really did die and had actual tourettes. The official site says he died, but I just have a feeling this is all fake. If anyone can find proof that this is fake please tell me.
A: He is dead, he didn’t have Tourettes, that was acted.
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