Can you die from sleeping

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from sleeping”,you can compare them.

Sleeping too much appears to heighten the risk of stroke, and it is possible to die in your sleep, but not from sleep. ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from sleeping
Can you die sleeping?
You can die during your sleep. In fact that was once an argument for not treating some of the sleep disorders, its a pleasant way to go. But the reality is that its probably the uncontrolled physiology that takes them that way but its certa…
How do people die in their sleep?
Geez. Roy there is at least one exact answer to your question, and that is sleep apnea. While you are sleeping and going through your bio rythmns, your heart slows way down and momentarily stops several times during the night. When you get …
Is death like sleeping?
Dying is nothing at all like sleep. People, animals too, sleep to rest and stay healthy. Sleep gives hard working parts of our bodies time to store up strength. Think of how good you feel after sleeping. You feel good because your body is r…

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Q: i was told that you would die from sleeping inside of a car from lack of oxygen. is that true?i mean with the car turned off. i’m making a large trip at the end of the week and it might require me to sleep in my car for a few nights.
A: Yes, but the chances of that are very very very highly unlikely. You would have to seal all the jams and cracks around the car and then attach a pipe from your muffler into the inside of the car.(EDIT) Sleeping in your car is fine, I’ve done it plenty of times on road trips. Just roll the windows down about 2 inches if you feel unsafe/unsure about it.
Will my gf die from 7 sleeping pills and 4 tylenol?
Q: my gf took 7 sleeping pills and 4 Tylenol and her regular pills syngular and an anti biotic. will she die?
A: If she’s not conscious right now, then make sure she’s breathing. Call 911 and begin CPR if she’s not. If she is breathing, try to wake her up and get her walking, then call 911. If she can’t be roused, call 911. If she is conscious, get her to the emergency room. If she just took them, get her to vomit. Go!
Did you know that you could die from a sleeping disorder?
Q: I’m just surprised at this..A good friend of ours died a couple weeks ago and the autopsy results came back and it was because of a sleeping disorder. If you know anybody that might have a sleeping disorder, make sure they go to the doctor. I don’t expect an answer, I just wanted to let you know that.
A: I’m truly sorry about your friend. I think more needs to be done to draw attention to this as a valid and serious disorder. I’ve had it for several years and am lucky to live nearby a top specialist who treats me with Ambien and gave me back my own mind.I hope your friend rests in peace and people become more aware of this problem so they can help themselves and family if the see this manifesting.
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