Can you die from Hicups

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Although the hiccups can be very annoying and can last anywhere from minutes to months, you will not die from them. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from Hicups
Can you die from hiccups?
yes if you stb your self from annyance
How can you die of hiccups?
Oh sure, it happens all the time. I don’t know why you’ve only heard of ONE person dying. It happens everyday. This is what happens. When you get the hiccups, your body has been tricked into thinking that it can’t get air. Why does this h…
Can hiccups become dangerous?
Sporadic hiccups are usually harmless. But persistant hiccups may be the sign of something more serious. If you hiccup for a few minutes at a time you’ll probably be fine, but if you have hiccups for a large amount of time, see a doctor.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you die from hicups?
A: Hiccups may be dangerous, but that’s rare. Weight loss, poor wound healing and even death occasionally have been attributed to intractable hiccups.
How can you get rid of Hicups?
Q: I have Hicups at least 3 times a day. And I have had them really bad. Or what are some causes of Hicups. We read somewhere that they are caused by a hard death. And a guy friend of mine that I liked died from some kind of thing and I pass his grave EVERYDAY! and I see his sister every tuesday at dance. Is that the cause or is it something else?Please answear!!Thanks-Amberiella
A: yea hiccups suck! i hear that if you sit down, put your head in between your legs, and swallow water they will…or have somebody scare you! that works best!
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