Can you die from a cyst on your ovary

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It would be unusual for there to be any severe complications from having a cyst. Only if the cyst were cancerous. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from a cyst on your ovary
Is it possible to die from a cyst in your ovaries?
Hi A cyst is a fluid-filled sac, and can be anywhere in the body. On the ovary, different types of cysts can form. The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst, which often forms during the normal menstrual cycle. Each m…
Can you die from ovarian cysts?
Most of the time, especially if you are a young woman, ovarian cysts will go away on their own. Even so, you should go see a doctor if you think you have one. Ovarian cysts can be painful and can (rarely) be signs of cancer. Also, a doctor …
What happens if you don’t get an ovarian cyst treated,can you die…?
An ovarian cyst is a benign tumor, meaning it is not cancer. They usually come and go depending on hormone levels. Sometimes they might pop, and it’ll be anywhere from slightly uncomfortable to excruciatingly painful. Most women will have a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it possible to die from a cyst in your ovaries?
Q: i have a cyst in my ovaries… possibility of also having appendicitis. any information on ovarian cysts is great.
A: HiA cyst is a fluid-filled sac, and can be anywhere in the body. On the ovary, different types of cysts can form. The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst, which often forms during the normal menstrual cycle. Each month, a woman’s ovaries grow tiny cysts that hold the eggs. When an egg is mature, the sac breaks open to release the egg, so it can travel through the fallopian tube for fertilization. Then the sac dissolves. In one type of functional cyst, called a follicular cyst, the sac doesn’t break open to release the egg and may continue to grow. This type of cyst usually disappears within one to three months. A corpus luteum cyst, another type of functional cyst, forms if the sac doesn’t dissolve. Instead, the sac seals off after the egg is released. Fluid then builds up inside of it. This type of cyst usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. However, it can grow and may bleed or twist the ovary and cause pain. Clomid or Serophene, which are drugs used to induce ovulation, can raise the risk of getting this type of cyst. These cysts are almost never associated with cancer.It would be unusual for there to be any severe complications from having a cyst..if you get any of the following symptoms then you need medical attention immediatly;pain with fever and vomiting sudden, severe abdominal pain faintness, dizziness, or weakness rapid breathing
my mom has 2 big cyst on her only this bad?
Q: my mom had to get an ovary now she only has on..she got it checked and the doctor said she has 2 big cyst on it and he is going to check if she has cancer..the results come next week…and im scared because i dont want her to die from cancer [[if she has it]]its not even me with it and im very scared for her and i cried alot..i love her so much and i need her im only 17….plz if u know about cyst on ovaries tell me what u know and if there is a big or little chance of surviving.
A: I had this scare as well when I was only 16 years old. The truth is lots of woman have cyst in their body but it’s the developing ones or “growing ones” you have to watch out for. I know cyst’s can easily be removed, even if cancerous. Try to just be there for your Mom and be her “nurse”. Her seeing you upset will only make her upset. Be strong hunny. Your mom is in my prayers 🙂
Did you have a cyst on your ovaries?
Q: I have a 2.5 cm cyst on my right ovary. It’s relatively small as far as ovarian cysts go – but I can feel it.Could you feel yours? I thought my pregnancy was ectopic at points because it hurt so much.Did it just die down by itself or did it burst? Ouch!!!Hope you’re all well.I’ve come to the conclusion I’m going to have a miscarriage (As baby measures 5w6d when MINIMUM I can be is 6w6d- now I’m just waiting for it to happen.
A: Glad you asked this question because I was worried about a pain I was getting on my left side and seeing that so many women seem to get a cyst during pregnancy made me think that thats probably what Im feeling.NOOOOO!! Your not going to miscarry, think positive doll, everythings going to be fine! Looking at other girls comments it seems to be quite normal for the baby to not be so big during early pregnancy. Everything will work out :)take care 🙂 XXXX
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