Can you cure herpes

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Unfortunately, there is no official cure for herpes at this time. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you cure herpes
Can you cure herpes?
Nope, well not at the moment.
Is there a cure for herpes?
Yes there will be a cure in the future. I don’t care what anyone says. Just hang in there and one day there will be one for the Herpes carriers. Good luck.
Is there a cure for cancer?
Sorry to hear about your mother. There is no guaranteed cure for any cancer. Some cancers can be cured – seven out of ten children are cured of cancer, for example. Testicular cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would it cost to cure Herpes I and/or II?
Q: What is a realistic research cost to find a cure for Herpes I and/or II? $10 million? $100 million? More?
A: Well. We’ll have a preventative vaccine probably in the next decade at a cost of somewhere in the 4-10 billion dollar range.I don’t believe there’s even a theoretical approach that is plausible for eliminating an existing herpes infection. Even some of the crazy out there stuff involving gene therapy combined with RNAi techniques won’t touch it.
How long will it be before there is a herpes cure?
Q: When will there be a cure for herpes?
A: they have a few potential cures in the works right now and they have to await further studies to go into clinical trials and then get approved by the fda. it could be awhile, im guessing at least 10 years
How far off is a cure for herpes?
Q: I know that there are treatments for the symptoms of herpes available, but aside from that is science making any major progression on the path towards a cure to herpes… Some sort of treatment that would completely rid an individuals body from the herpes virus, or is all we have to look for more symptom treatments?
A: I agree with the first responder. While there has been progress, we aren’t close to a cure at this point.And its important to remember that there are other much MUCH more dangerous viral diseases that probably should take priority over herpes for a cure. Herpes isn’t often fatal, like HIV. It doesn’t cause cancer or other diseases, like HPV. In fact, in most people, the symptoms are so mild (or there are no symptoms) and the person is unaware that they even have the disease.As someone with genital herpes, I do wish that there was a cure. But I’ll wait in line behind other, worse viral diseases, and count myself as lucky.
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