Can you break your elbow

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Serious injuries, such as fractures and dislocations, can damage the bones and other structures of your elbow (yes). ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you break your elbow
Can you break your elbow?
It’s possible to shatter or dislocate your elbow, & can take as little as 8-14lbs. of pressure (depending on how it’s applied) to do so.
How can i break my elbow?
put your arm on the table so your elbow is facing up get somthing heavy and drop it on your arm
How did Hillary Clinton break her elbow…?
She fell in the hallway of a public building in D.C.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you break your elbow on purpose?
Q: i know this sounds like i am a freak and a complete syco. but i really need to know i have tried hitting it with a baseball bat. and could you please help me..!
A: EDIT#1: I GUESS IF YOU WANT A CREATIVE ANSWER THOUGH, BORROW MONEY FROM THE MOB AND NEVER PAY IT BACK, THEY WILL BE HAPPY TO BREAK YOUR ARM FOR YOU! EDIT #2: WE’D ALL LIKE TO KNOW “WHY” YOU WANT TO BREAK IT. JEEZ IF YOU’RE GOING TO WRITE THIS QUESTION, HAVE THE GUTS TO ANSWER WHY YOU WANT TO DO IT!My original response: I think you really need psychological help if you are trying to injure yourself. First it will be your elbow, then your life. You need to see a psychiatrist before it’s too late. Call your regular doctor for a recommendation for a good psychiatrist!
How easy is it for someone to break an elbow?
Q: How easy is it for someone to break an elbow?….Also if you break an elbow is that the same thing as breaking an arm?
A: You didn’t like my answer the first time?I don’t know how easy it is, but the elbow is actually a joint where the arm bones – humerus (upper arm) and the radius and ulna (forearm) – come together. So when you break your elbow, technically you are breaking either the distal end of the humerus or the proximal end of the radius or ulna, and these are your “arm” bones.
Can you break your elbow from getting hit by a baseball?
Q: fractured elbow after blow from baseball
A: yea, this kid in my league got hit in the elbow and it broke
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