Can you be born with aids

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Babies can be born with HIV/AIDS. Pregnant mothers can pass the disease to their unborn children. It doesn’t always happen though. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you be born with aids
Can you be born with aids?
No. If you has a mother that was HIV+ there is a chance of being born with HIV. If both parents are negative= there is no chance.
Was chris brown born with aids?
Assuming the Chris Brown in question is the RnB singer, there is no factual evidence to either confirm nor refute any claims of Chris Brown having AIDS. This is more than likely a rumor brought on by another rumor claiming that his reason f…
Are people born with AIDS?
People sometimes born with HIV positive and not with AIDS. That is from an HIV-positive mother to her baby. AIDS is a late symptom of HIV infection and not a disease.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can a child born with AIDS, survive?
Q: How long can a child born with AIDS, survive and for how many years can the child survive healthy?
A: They can live many years if they are just born with HIV. 20 plus years probably the way the disease is being handled today. It is no longer a death sentence but more of just a bad disease.
How many children are born with HIV/AIDS?
Q: A mother can pass AIDS from herself to her child during birth, so i want to know approximately how many children are born with AIDS every year/day/month/or whatever you know or could find.Could some of the kids I know have AIDS?Just curious (:Thanks
A: Could you know anyone who got HIV from their mom? Maybe, but probably not. In 1992, 855 babies were born with HIV in America. In 2005, there were 57 babies born with HIV in America. Fortunately for us, perinatal HIV is really rare now because we have access to medical care.CDC has all the info on American babies born with HIV for worldwide numbers it’s different because you have to consider Africa and Asia. There are no solid statistics for the number of babies born with HIV worldwide, but UNAIDS does have figures to show how many people with hIV are under the age of 15. At the end of 2002, an estimated 3.2 million children worldwide under age 15 had HIV. For more on that, check out medications, the chances of a mother passing HIV to her baby are about 1 in 3. With medications, you can reduce those odds almost to zero.
Can a child be born with AIDS if mother has AIDS even before pregnancy?
Q: Can the child acquire AIDS (full blown aids not HIV) ?how long can the child live if it is born with AIDS (not HIV)?thanks…
A: I know a girl that is now in her early 20’s and she was born with HIV… I hope that answers your question. I’m also HIV+ and my daughter was born HIV- as I took the following precautions: a) c-section b) viral load undetectable – I was on a lot of medsc) daughter on meds (AZT) for 6 weeks after birthd) don’t breast feedThere’s actually a very small risk, like 2% or something like that, for the child to be born HIV+ if you do the above.
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