Can that be fixed

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Automotive .We found some answers as below for this question “Can that be fixed”,you can compare them.

Medical researchers have found that both medication & psychotherapy (counseling) are effective for relieving symptoms of anxiety. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can that be fixed
What is a fixed annuity
The fixed annuity is an investment vehicle that allows the investor to receive a stream of payments over the life of the annuity.
What is a fixed asset
A fixed asset is defined as a tangible item with a useful life of five years or more and a value equal to or greater than $5,000, with the exception of computer equipment and software which have a value equal to or greater than $1,500
How to Calculate Fixed Costs
・ 1 Gather all invoices, loan paperwork, bank statements and other business documentation. ・ 2 Make a list of all weekly, monthly or yearly expenses that occur regularly and do not change throughout… ・ 3 Add these expenses together to fig…

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my dell laptop only plays dvd it wont play audio cds can that problem be fixed manualey?
Q: only dvd play in my laptop is the cd or audio drive cut off and how do i cut it back on
A: If you get sound when you are watching DVD’s, it’s not your audio driver that’s the problem.It could be your drive is going bad. Dell will charge you a small fortune to repair this if your laptop is out of warranty. Replacement slimline (laptop-sized) DVD drives are ~$40-$50 on the internet.Replacing the drive is something you can do yourself. As long as you are careful to pay attention to where everything went before you took apart the laptop, swapping the drive is pretty easy.If you are not comfortable doing this, a computer shop couldn’t charge you too much to put it in for you. It would be a 20 minute job for them.
can a lazy eye be fixed at 20?
Q: I had surgery when I was a kid, and it didn’t fully correct it. It’s not terrible compared to what i;ve read, but I notice it and it others me a lot. Can this still be fixed? and how much does surgery usually cost? thanks
A: All you can do now is to have surgery to straighten the eyes. It’s too late to undo the lazy eye vision wise.
what amendments would be used to fix problems that are affecting us today ? ecspecially with the poor?
Q: The bill of rights is there to help the people but so far it doesnt seem to be helping anyone ecspecially the lower/middle working class. What specific problems and solutions are there using the Amendments ?
A: I don’t know about specific amendments, but we need affordable health care. Especially regarding lower middle class Americans. If Obama’s plan passes, that will be a big step in the right direction.
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