Can someone die from anxiety

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can someone die from anxiety”,you can compare them.

NO! Even though it may not feel that way, anxiety attack cannot kill you. While its true that your heart does hurt and they.more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can someone die from anxiety
When you hear someone has died, does it send your anxiety out of …?
I get the same thing. My panic flares up when I hear about heart attacks etc. For example an old mate of mine had a heart attack at the age of 25 just before last christmas. It completely ruined my christmas (I don’t want to sound like an e…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you die from anxiety and stress?
Q: I feel like my body is going to give up fighting.. from it. I have panic attacks every day and im always fighting being anxious. I always feel sick and fatigued. I feel like I’m slowly dying.. I’m bed bound I can’t even walk without having an attack. will this kill me over time?
A: Sounds like you need to be hospitalized for anxiety and stress. My husband had a similar condition to what you describe. He had panic attacks every day and was always anxious and feeling sick. I am sorry to say he committed suicide last June and I often think of how he would have gotten better if he got treatment. Right now if I were you, I would go to the Emergency Room and get some medication and a referral to a doctor and make an appointment. Don’t wait as this is very serious. God bless you!
Can you die from anxiety?
Q: I’m 16 and i have really really bad anxiety and im on Cymbalta and i go to a phycyatrist but im scared that its not working. is it possible to like die from anxiety or something? please helpp haha
A: No, because in worst case scenarios you will have an anxiety attack. And nobody has ever died of an anxiety attack. But anxiety can really affect your life, so in your case I would be careful and try not to think about things so much. It just stresses you so much more unnecessarily.Don’t worry much about it and just start thinking positive.
Can you die from ”Tachycardia Palpitations” ? ?=Medication for anxiety ”Murelax” & ”Inderal”?
Q: Ive got tachycardia palpitations just wondering is it possible that i can die from it i have anxiety & a guy said on youtube he had anxiety for over a decade & he said you CANT die from anxiety panic attacks no one has never been knowin to die from it? Is this true? Everytime my anxiety comes on i get feared of dieing & start to feel im losing control will it ever happen to me? Im really scared its frightning i take medication called: ”Murelax” & ”Inderal” are these tablets good i take them 2 times a day i find they help a little bit but i my heart still plays up & also i find it gets worst at night when im trying to go to sleep i start freaking out & my heart starts beating rapidly & i get a bit numb & feel faintness & shortness or breath & feel like im about to lose control 🙁 ?!Please explain how ”Murelax” & ”Inderal” works?Thanks.
A: The guy on YouTube is right; you cannot die from tachycardia due to anxiety and panic attacks. I suffered from major anxiety attacks and palpitations last year and I was always worried about my heart – which spurs the anxiety on MORE! My psychologist showed me this fact sheet on the MYTHS about panic attacks – your question was one of the busted myths! It also said the heart could work fine at 200bpm for 2 months straight!! Its amazing!I understand how you are feeling; the feeling of losing control when the physical symptoms grip hold (palpitations, numb, faint, hyperventilation) is pretty awful. I cannot comment on the current medication you are on unfortunately, however maybe it is worth going to see your GP again and explaining that the meds are not doing there job. I got over my anxiety by seeing a psychologist for CBT and a naturopath who gave me lots of powerful herbs to calm my body down. I still get the occassional racing heart, and like you it is also at night time. I think this sometimes has to do with your blood pressure getting lower as you get tired and your heart tries to compensate by pumping faster and that is why your pulse increases…. I told my naturopath this and she put the herb Hawthorne in my herb mix as it increases blood pressure.Hope this helps! Definitely go see your GP again perhaps try to see a psychologist to discuss issues a little deeper! Just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone with these symptoms and many ppl experience what you are going through!Take care.
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