Can smoking weed cause cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can smoking weed cause cancer”,you can compare them.

Even very heavy, long-term marijuana users seemed to have no greater risk of cancer than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can smoking weed cause cancer
Does smoking weed cause cancer?
Smoking anything can cause cancer because your lung tissue is not meant for absorbing all that garbage. Smoking once in a while , anything is ok in moderation (usually) but smoking every day is quite bad for you, not just physically but men…
Does smoking weed cause lung cancer?
hell yeah any smoke in your lungs kills thousands of cilla which are like little hair that absorb oxygen the destruction of these cilla and cells can lead to mutant cells and or cancer
Can smoking weed cause lung cancer?
Yes. Putting anything in your lungs other than clean air can cause lung cancer. Maybe not as fast as nicotine, or car exaust, but eventually!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking only weed cause cancer?
Q: I’ve been a daily pot smoker for years and have read articles stating weed smoke alone does not cause cancer but recently I read a study that said it does raise the chances of getting cancer.Does anyone really know anything? I personally think weed is the safest drug to do including alcohol…Yeah I know I’m gonna get a bunch of people that are anti-weed… but I’m looking for people with facts or experience.
A: Most people on this board aren’t gonna harass you over weed.However, while I dont know that there is scientific proof that weed causes cancer it is not without risks.First, the smoke will irritate the lungs, effect your breathing, possibly effect allergy and sinus issues and if you are exposed to enough smoke of ANY kind you will get copd. I recommed chewing, eating or sitting under the tounge rather than smoking. Most people dont like to do that though because it takes more mj to get the same effects and takes much longer to get the effects.Second, most weed has not been processed. That means that it naturally contains bacteria and fungi from the natural growing and drying process. For most people thats no big deal but for anyone with a lowered immune system it can cause infection. For cancer and aids patients if they are not careful it can actually cause massive infection that can be fatal.
Does smoking weed cause cancer?
Q: Don’t give me any bias answers.And yes i know it damages your lungs, but does it cause cancer?
A: Smoking anything can cause cancer because your lung tissue is not meant for absorbing all that garbage. Smoking once in a while , anything is ok in moderation (usually) but smoking every day is quite bad for you, not just physically but mentally as well. People who smoke alot of marijuana have been shown to have decreased memory functioning, apathy, depression and motor function. So to answer your question, ANY chemical you put into your body over and over again CAN have a negative effect, including cancer, but no one can tell you it definitely will or will not. Best bet is to not overdo anything, and try to make sure anything you smoke isn’t laced with other garbage. bias here dude, I’ve smoked my fair share of weed, and tried every other drug under the sun. I’m just old enough now to know better. A joint is ok once in a blue moon, but if you can’t function without that sh*t every day, you have bigger problems. As with anything….moderation!
Poll: Can smoking weed cause lung cancer or any type of cancer?
A: if you are scared of cancer and think about it alot – you’ll sure increase your chances on getting some sooner or later…
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