Can poison ivy be contagious

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No, poison ivy rash is not contagious. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can poison ivy be contagious
How long is the poison ivy contagious?
Rubbing the rashes won’t spread poison ivy to other parts of your body (or to another person). You spread the rash only if urushiol oil — the sticky, resinlike substance that causes the rash — has been left on your hands. It’s NOT contagi…
How long is Poison Ivy contagious after u catch it?
usually 3-4 days. try taking an oatmeal bath or aveeno ultra calming cream to relieve the redness and inflammation and ITCHING. Poison ivy can take up to 3-6 months to completely go away but you will stop experiencing symptoms in 2-3 weeks …
Is Poison Ivy contagious?can it be spred from person to person??
Yes and no. Poison Ivy has a protein that fools the body into thinking it has and infection. Anywhere the protein is spread the body reacts as it would under an infection. So if you rub the protein off yourself onto another person their bod…

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Is Poison Ivy contagious between people by touching a person at the infected area?
Q: My brother has poison ivy and it is oozing and red and itchy and he wants to know if he has it on his hands can he spread it to other parts of his body by say, rubbing his chin with the infected hand, will he then break out on his chin? Also can he spread it to another person by touching them with the infected hand, or leg?
A: yes it is very contagious, the clothes he is wearing that touches it and any other clothes will have to be washed as they can transmit it also,try not to scratch it (really hard to do i know),keep washed and use caladryl gel(its a clear lotion)2 or 3 times a dy
How long is Poison Ivy contagious after u catch it?
Q: my friend has it and my mom wont let her in the door cuz she has it. i need to know how long it is contagious cuz me and her have to go riding horses. it not fair!
A: usually 3-4 days. try taking an oatmeal bath or aveeno ultra calming cream to relieve the redness and inflammation and ITCHING. Poison ivy can take up to 3-6 months to completely go away but you will stop experiencing symptoms in 2-3 weeks 🙁
for how long is poison ivy contagious?
Q: my fiance currently lives in florida. he was doing yard work and got poison ivy. he currently has a slight rash from it but nothing severe. he did the yard work about 2 days ago and the rash just showed up today. i was planning to go down there on sunday for a week but am worried if i am going to get it from him. is that possible??? how long will it be contagious???what can he do to get rid of it??? thanks in advance!!!!
A: Poison ivy is a form of contact dermatitis–the rash is the skin reacting to the oil of the poison ivy plant. You can’t get it from him; you have to be in contact with the plant itself, or its oils. It is NOT contagious, person-to-person.For your boyfriends future reference: Treating Poison Ivy Exposures, from you are exposed, according to the FDA, you should quickly (within 10 minutes): * first, cleanse exposed areas with rubbing alcohol. * next, wash the exposed areas with water only (no soap yet, since soap can move the urushiol, which is the oil from the poison ivy that triggers the rash, around your body and actually make the reaction worse). * now, take a shower with soap and warm water. * lastly, put gloves on and wipe everything you had with you, including shoes, tools, and your clothes, with rubbing alcohol and water. Unfortunately, if you wait more than 10 minutes, the urushiol will likely stay on your skin and trigger the poison ivy rash. You may not be able to stop it on your skin, but you might still scrub your nails and wipe off your shoes, etc., so that you don’t spread the urushiol to new areas.Commercial products, like Zanfel, Ivy Cleanse Towelettes, and Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub, are also available over-the-counter, if you don’t want to use rubbing alcohol.See poison ivy treatment, here:
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