Can people live without the liver

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can people live without the liver”,you can compare them.

No, people cannot live with a liver. Did you know your liver can regenerate itself into a full liver? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can people live without the liver
Can people live with out a liver?
No, you can’t live without a liver. It performs over 500 functions (filtering, metabolism, blood clotting, etc). Unfortunately, there is no dialysis for a failing liver. How much worse can it get? It’s hard to say. You didn’t say why you…
What can people with chronic hepatitis B do to take care of their…?
People with chronic hepatitis B should be monitored regularly by a doctor experienced in caring for people with hepatitis B. They should avoid alcohol because it can cause additional liver damage. They also should check with a health profes…
Are there tests to determine how much liver damage people have??
Once it has been determined that someone has hepatitis C, many tests will likely be performed on a regular basis. These tests which include liver enzyme (ALT, AST) and viral load tests , are often performed every few months to track changes…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can you live without liver funtion?
A: not very long
Can a person live without a liver?
Q: I was wondering…can a person live without a liver? Let’s say the person donated his/her liver to a relative who really needs this organ for them to be saved, is it possible that the donor will live without it?/(^.^)/
A: No. You need your liver. Otherwise the dying person wouldn’t need a donation, right?However, you can donate a part of your liver because it regenerates pretty quickly.
Is it possible to live without your liver?
A: no, if you could it would be an alcoholics dream
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