Can men have pms

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No me Cant have PMS. Men do not have menstrual cycles, since they do not have uteri. Cha Cha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can men have pms
Can men PMS?
Never. What you are experiencing in simple stress. Symptoms are similar to PMS. There had been some instances around the world where men had transformed overnight to women and vs-a-vs. But it has nothing to do with stress either.
Do men get PMS?
Grumpiness aches and pains and even poor concentration are often excused as a part of a woman’s monthly cycle. Now it seems men may have a similar get-out clause. A report says they too are buffeted by cyclical changes in their bodies’ natu…
Do men have PMS too?
I don’t know if it is PMS but I go threw something I am 53 been like this for a while.Don’t like myself or Any one around me I don’t know what it is just thought I was just a @ss but maybe not thank you all for coming up with an excuse .

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How much of a contribution does PMS have to women’s problems in communication with men?
Q: I’m sure I’m touching a nerve here in 2 ways, claiming that women have communication problems with men along with hypothesizing that PMS is a big contributor to this problem. So, go ahead and react. Try to understand that I have great compassion for health problems, having fibromyalgia, depression, GAD, and food sensitivities myself. Also, many men have PMS-like symptoms, although they aren’t as related to such a reliable syndrome. My ex was pretty reasonable 25 days of the month, but said horrible things during her entire cycle. I tried different methods to manage it, but she always found a way to sneak in nastiness and disingenuous indirectness during her cycle. Any thoughts?Mafiagirl, I have to politely disagree. I think women should get a pass for this, if they’d help their man help her with this problem. Of course, they’d have to admit there’s a problem, which seems to be extremely difficult for a lot of women.DiedreO, I tried to communicate with her about it, to find out how I could be most helpful. But, you’re right, she had very poor character, and this was one of many deathnells (sp?) of the relationship.
A: As ancient as I am I should be going through it; now the good news is there is good news so that many of us won’t have to suffer, and when we don’t suffer we are far better people. I for example take Genseng for woman, maintan a good attitude, involve mysel in things, such as coloring, as I did when I was a kid, never watch news, try to watch as many cartoons and funny shows I can, and always maintain that string of communication unwound and untangled. What I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to be and it doesn’t need to be a problem with our communication with men.
Do men PMS while their Woman is on her period?
Q: My boyfriend is always making rude comments to me especially when im on my period, before i even say anything or show any signs of PMS, he is a bitch before i am (literally). His saying is that since I’m on my period i give out some hormonal chemicals that affects his hormonal cycle and causes him to “PMS” and be mean to me… that true?
A: There is no way for your hormones to affect his hormones. The body doesn’t work that way, he’s just making up excuses to be an a***Trust me though, guys “PMS” way more than girls do about the stupidest things. Don’t listen to him. And if he’s rude to you like that all the time then it’s time to dump his sorry butt.
Can men take PMS pills when they are in a really bad mood and have a lot of stress?
Q: Ok let me edit my ??. My husband is under as lot of stress at work and is feeling like he is about to have a nervous breakdown. Like how i feel for the whole week during the month. IS there something he can take- nothing like anti-depressants though- something natural that can calm him down.
A: Im not sure which medication youre referring to as ‘PMS Pills’ so Ill use as example Premsyn Pms Caplets, which are meant for relieving pre-menstrual symptoms. The active ingredients are Pamabrom and Pyrilamine Maleate. Many other Pre-menstrual tablets contain Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen or Naproxen.Pamabrom provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains due to cramps, headache, and backache and water retention, weight gain, bloating, swelling.Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are pain medications.Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory drug.Pyrilamine Maleate is an Anti-histamineSo basically… medications for PMS treat the physical, not the emotional symptoms, and most are just pain relievers and anti-water retention medications. Follow the instructions on the package – and use the medication only for what its meant to be used for.Anti Anxiety medications need to be prescribed by a doctor – there are over the counter medications that can be taken such as Proloftin but they usually arent FDA approved, and are about as effective as weight-loss drugs. If he is having serious anxiety and stress issues he should speak to a doctor who can provide him medication that will actually help him. More likely than not – have him drink some tea, listen to some soft music… zen out when he is at home. Work is stressful for everyone, and unless he wants to go on behind the counter medication (and to me it doesnt sound like he needs it, everyone deals with these levels of stress) there is no magic fix.Here are some natural ways to reduce stress:Drink less caffeine, exercise regularly, always get a good nights sleep. B Vitamins, Kava Kava, St Johns Wort and Valerian can be purchased as herbal remedies at a health food store and may help out.-Best of luck-
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