Can HPV affect males

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can HPV affect males”,you can compare them.

Yes, men can become infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). Most sexually active adults will get it at some point in their life. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can HPV affect males
Are males even at risk for contracting HPV or does the virus only…?
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a group of viruses, some of which can cause genital warts, a common condition that anyone who is sexually active- -regardless of gender- – is susceptible to. The CDC estimates that 50 percent of sexually activ…
What are the affects of the HPV on males?
Men can be directly affected by HPV just like women can. Men can develop genital warts as well as penile and anal cancer (both of these cancers are VERY rare though). Men are also able to “carry” HPV strains or kinds that can caus…
What does HPV do to a male that has it?
HPV can cause genital warts for males and it can RARELY cause penile and anal cancer. Both of those cancers are VERY rare. It’s estimated 1,000 men WORLDWIDE are diagnosed every year with penile cancer, while about 10,000 women in the US al…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does HPV affect males?
A: warts in the genitile area, and depending upon your sexual practices, can be around your mouth also…not very pretty.
what are the affects of the HPV on males?
A: Men can be directly affected by HPV just like women can. Men can develop genital warts as well as penile and anal cancer (both of these cancers are VERY rare though). Men are also able to “carry” HPV strains or kinds that can cause cervical cancer in women. Obviously it doesn’t directly affect them because men don’t have a cervix, but they can spread these kinds of HPV to any female they have sex with or direct skin to skin contact with. Check out the link below for more information about HPV and men:
I have some questions about HPV in males.?
Q: If you have HPV when you are a teenager will it affect you later in life when you are trying to have a family, in other words will you give it to your wife? Also In order to transmit HPV does someone have to come in contact with one of the warts it forms or just touching anywhere on the genitals can transmit it.
A: It can be shed at any point just by skin-to-skin contact, which is why condoms aren’t 100% effective against it. You aren’t at risk just for touching the actual warts. It is VERY contagious, really – something like 80% or so of all people get it at some point in their lives.Also, according to the CDC, while there’s no actual cure, something like 90% of cases are kicked out of the body naturally via the immune system. So quit smoking if you do, minimize drinking, get regular exercise, drink lots of water, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, etc. The strains of HPV (low-risk) that causes genital warts does only that, and while you’ll want to be honest with future partners just out of decency, warts don’t actually harm one’s reproductive health in any way. Now, high-risk HPV is the kind that causes cervical cell abnormalities that can lead to cervical cancer, so any future partner of yours will definitely want to make sure she keeps up with her yearly Pap tests, since there’s no commonly-used way to test for high-risk HPV strains in men.
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