Can hives be contagious

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Hives are not contagious, but the triggers of hives may be contagious. Hives are often caused by an allergic reaction. Chacha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can hives be contagious
Is hives contagious?
no- hives is not contagious- my little brother has had it from allergies and was feeling sick so he always came to see me and give me a big bear hug. he would sit in my lap and watch a movie so he would feel better. i have never had hives, …
Are hives contagious?
Then you are having an allergic reaction to something in their house. Or your getting bit by something.
Is hives contagious.can u get it from someone else?
Hives are a reaction to something else (usually allergic). So, if the something else that they are a reaction to can be transmitted between hosts, then yes, it would appear that the hives themselves are contagious. However, its not the hive…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are hives contagious?
Q: OK, in history class today, I sat behind this guy who had hives on his forearm and he kept scratching his hives. Then later that day, I started scratching my forearm and I thought back to that guy and I thought “Aye, I have hives!” So I’m just wondering if hives are contagious?
A: No, hives aren’t contagious but if he’s getting them due to an allergic reaction to something in the class that you’re also allergic to, you can get them as well. Usually when we see someone itching like that, it makes us itch too…just like when you see one ant crawling down your arm and then think you have them all over you. 🙂 Perhaps he doesn’t have hives but chicken pox or something similar but you wouldn’t catch that from him and react over the course of a few hours.
is hives contagious.can u get it from someone else?
Q: can u get it from someone else or not?
A: Hives are a reaction to something else (usually allergic).So, if the something else that they are a reaction to can be transmitted between hosts, then yes, it would appear that the hives themselves are contagious. However, its not the hives that are getting moved/copied, it is the thing they are reacting to.Note that someone else having an allergic reaction won’t cause you to have one (unless you are REALLY suggestable). However, there are some things that MOST people are allergic to, and consequently most people, when exposed to these things, will develop hives. It would be easy to think that one person gave the other hives, but in fact, they both got them from a third thing.
are the hives contagious?
A: No, hives are not contagious. Hives are the body’s reaction to an offending substance, not a disease process that can be spread. They’re kinda like mosquito bites…which cause an itchy rash, but you can’t spread/transmit them to another person.Are you certain it’s hives?
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