Can endometriosis be detected by a pap smear

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No,and the only reliable way to diagnose endometriosis is by performing a laparoscopy and taking a biopsy of the tissue. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can endometriosis be detected by a pap smear
Can a pap smear show that you have endometriosis?
・ 1.) Endometriosis absolutely cannot be diagnosed via a pap smear; a pap smear has zero to do with the … ・ 2.) Endometriosis absolutely IS hereditary, as confirmed over and over again in recent research and studies …
What does it mean when there are Endometrial Cells on your pap sm…?
Your endometrial cells are the cells on the lining on your uterus. There are several reasons that endometrial cells could be on your pap. First, if you were in the middle of your period, it could be normal as these cells along with other ma…
What is the clinical significance of endometrial cells found on P…?
It is only significant in women 40 years of age and then an endometrial biopsy should be performed. (WORD 33k)

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Can Endometriosis be detected by a pap smear?
Q: I have alot of the symtoms of Endometriosis. Two weeks ago I had a pap smear, and the test results came back today, which said, “Your recent pap report requires more attention. Please phone our office and speak to a nurse.” I’m just not sure if this can be something as serious as cancer or just endometriosis.
A: No. Your doctor evaluates your symptoms, discusses your medical history and performs a pelvic exam to check for cysts, unusual tenderness or a thickening of the pelvic area. They may also perform an ultrasound to check for cysts in your ovaries. Endometriosis is detected by a laparoscopy (a thin, lighted microscope–is inserted in a incision in the abdomen to view internal organs.Options for treating endometriosis depend on the severity of your symptoms,the location and size of your endometrial growths,and your childbearing plans. Your age is also a factor since your symptoms may intensify as you grow older.I had to take shots for 6 months. The drug was expensive (insurance paid for it) but it helped to relieve the symptoms. You can’t do anything to prevent or cure endometriosis.Hope this helps. Good luck and God Bless!
Endometriosis detected from just a pap smear?!?
Q: My mother has endometriosis. She never had surgery or took medication for it but she was diagnosed around age 20 and had me when she was 29 with no problem! I have always wondered if i have it. i went to the ob/gyn for a routine pap smear and she said she doesn’t think i have it. my results came back normal but can she tell by just looking up my vagina that i do not have endometriosis?i have always had heavy periods and have been on the pill since i was 16. i recently turned 19!all help/advice is appreciated! thank you all.
A: I have endometriosis. When I was diagnosed I was diagnosed by my symptoms. My doc said that you can’t actually diagnose without abdominal surgery and a biopsy, but she said my symptoms were enough to convince her and that she was going to treat it the same way wither or not she diagnosed with surgery so there was no need in going through with the surgery.My symptoms were heavy, long painful periods. They have responded VERY well to birth control pills. Every thing I have read says that the severity of symptoms does not correlate with the severity of the disease. (just because you hurt a lot and bleed a lot doesn’t mean you have more adhesions that someone who hurts less and bleeds less)I do have a friend at work who’s endometrosis did not respond well to being off the pill in order to conceive and she had to have surgery to remove the adhesions, then she had a set of twins and had a hysterectomy. I think it’s very individual, but no you can’t get a definitive diagnosis without a biopsy.My advice: If the pill works for you, then take it. As far as having kids, cross that bridge when you get there. You may be able to come off the pill without any problems and have kids. (that’s how it worked for my doc – I love when she has personal experience to comfort me.)
How is endometriosis detected? Can it be found in a routine vaginal exam and pap smear?
A: The only way to confirm endometriosis is through a laparoscopy. An ultra sound WILL NOT detect it. A doctor may suspect endo based on your symptoms and s/he can treat those but can never really know for sure without taking a look if you will. Endometriosis is tissue (the endometrium) that is growing outside of the uterus. This isn’t something that can be detected by pap or ultrasound.
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