Can chewing ice harm your teeth

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can chewing ice harm your teeth”,you can compare them.

Nine times out of 10, you can chew ice and it won’t have any effect,” he said. But teeth can be structurally weakene(more). [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can chewing ice harm your teeth
Does chewing ice really do any harm to your teeth or just an old …?
I used to chew ice. But my dentist does tell me that it really does damage your teeth and my mom tells me that the reason her teeth are bad, according to the dentist, is from chewing ice. So, who knows. I guess you won’t know until its too …
Does chewing ice harm teeth?
It’s not the fact that ice is cold that’s the problem, said Dr. Thomas Kilgore, a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine. It’s that ice cubes, like nuts, are so hard they can chip or c…
Is there a harm to teeth by drinking ice water daily??
no, none at all and it does not slow digestion down (common myth in the modelling world). Water does absolutely no harm to teeth what-so-ever although if you have sensitive ones, it might make them hurt briefly (in which case you should use…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does chewing ice harm your teeth?
Q: My two daughters like chewing on ice. They are 3 yrs old and 22 months old.
A: yes, it wears away the enamel, you do realize what water does to rocks over time dont you.
Is chewing ice bad for your teeth?
Q: I am crazy about ice, I chew on it every day…and I can’t stop! Will this harm my teeth? How can I stop this?
A: It depends on the size of the ice cubes you are chewing. If they are small pieces of crushed ice, you are okay. But if you are chewing on large, hard pieces of ice, it is bad. It can cause fractures of the teeth. When this happens, you weaken the tooth structure. And you could break your teeth. If either one of these things occur, you will need crowns on your teeth. It is actually bad to be chewing on any hard foods. There are any number of ways to fracture a tooth.Also, if you have large fillings in your teeth, then you have a higher chance of breaking a tooth with the ice because the teeth have already been weakened.
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