Can cervical cancer be cured

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can cervical cancer be cured”,you can compare them.

Cervical cancer detected in its early stages can be cured with Surgery, Radiation therapy and Chemotherapy. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can cervical cancer be cured
Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that affects a woman’s cervix (the area of the uterus closest to the vagina). Since most cases of cervical cancer result from the sexually transmitted human…
This is the free alternative for cancer patients.Do it and you will know from the future test results.You can also do it alongside any medical treatment. Cancer hates oxygen and cannot live in a high-oxygen environment.If you want to supple…
Cervical cancer can be completely cured , if detected early. It is eminently detectable at an early stage as it can be seen with the use of vaginal speculum. It can be detected even in its pre-invasive stage by taking and studying a PAP sme…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What type of medical check should one do after cervical cancer was cured?
Q: My mum in law had cervical cancer 2 years ago and she had an operation to remove all infected parts. She looks healthy now but I would like to bring her for some kinds of diagnostic medical check-up, can anyone suggest what type of medical check-up should I send her for?
A: I had the same type of cancer and the surgery. I have to see my gynoncologist at least once every 6 month, i just had a bone scan, I do a blood test called a CA 125 every 6 months, I have a mammogram yearly and I will have a CT scan every 6 months to a year. It will depend on the MD but I hope this helps.
can cervical cancer be cured a Second time?
Q: my mam had cervical cancer and it has come back just a month after treatment,could someone give any advice on this?
A: re-occurence is not uncommon, and yes it can be beaten a second time, tell your mom to hang in there and be as supportive as you can.
can osteoporosis be cured at age 24 ,female with cervical cancer?
Q: in the passed year my 24 year old sister has been diagnosed for cervical cancer and just recently has been diagnosed for osteoporosis. i was wondering if there is a cure for osteoporosis?
A: I don’t know for sure if there is a cure since it kind of depends on hormone production. But there are treatments for osteoporosis such as Fosomax, Boniva, Calcium supplements.
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