Are there symptoms to HIV

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are there symptoms to HIV”,you can compare them.

Often, there are no initial symptoms for HIV. Later, you might see fever, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, rash and diarrhea. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there symptoms to HIV
Are there symptoms of HIV?
There are no symptoms for HIV. However there may be some warning signs of infection with HIV, but these vary from person to person:
What are the symptoms of HIV?
infants At birth, infants born to an HIV-infected mother may test negative for the virus and have no symptoms. This does not mean that the infant does not have the virus. Blood tests will be done at various stages after birth up to and past…
Does HIV have symptoms?
Some people get flu-like symptoms a month or two after they have been infected. These symptoms often go away within a week to a month. A person can have HIV for many years before feeling ill. As the disease progresses, both women and men ma…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there any symptoms indicating non-HIV infection?
Q: I know there are a number of things that can be symptoms of HIV infection. But are there any conditions that sort of rule out or make it doubtful that an HIV infection exists? For example, putting on weight instead of losing it, or having constipation instead of diareah?
A: Hello,First of all there is something called psysomatic, where people show symptoms for a disease which they do not have, which includes hiv. the best way to rule out hiv, is to have the test. Remember that a person can look very healthy and clean on the outside and be infected and a person can have all sort of symptoms but do not have the virus. So the only way to factually tell, is to have the test. Hope this helped.
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Q: I have heard that some people feel sick like a cold or a mild flu but later find out they were actually infected with HIV. Any truth to that?
A: Some people have flu like symptoms when they contract aids, but this is not a given..The test will not even show up positive untill 6 months after you contract it.. so its very important to get tested first, and then wait 6 months before you get tested again..
Aside from getting tested regularly, are there any noticable symptoms of HIV?
Q: I get tested regularly, but I was just curious how people come to find out they’re HIV positive without testing. Are there common symptoms?
A: Usually not until it develops into AIDS.
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